Chapter Thirteen- I've Had Enough!!

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~~~> Sonic



I hate it...

A dog barked somewhere in the distance. I had a half a mind to howl at the moon, being half wolf and all. I couldn't sleep at all. My back kept waking me up, and every few hours the doctors came in to rewrap me. It was super annoying and totally irritating. I just wanted to go back home, where everyone else was.

"Stupid Eggman..." I mumbled angrily.

All of this had happened because of him. Because he had to interfere with our peaceful lives. I've had enough of the same agonizing pain every night, the same feeling of agony every time I twisted my back wrong. I've had enough of seeing that fat heads face.

"I've had enough..." I growled to noone in particular.

"Of what, hedgehog? Defeat?"

I sat upright and turned around quickly, meeting Scourges' eyes and toothy smirk. Electric cords that was covered with electricity. It illuminated the room around me, and filled it with a crackling sound.

I scowled, showing all of my fangs and fury. "What are you doing here?" I growled, balling up my fists.

"To warn you." He growled back, dropping his smirk. "If you try to get in my way, or in Eggmans, you won't see your friends and family ever again. Besides," He looked at my bandaged waist. "You are in no condition to fight. I'd stay out of this if I were you."

With each sentence he spoke, I grew angrier. I jumped over my bed and grasped his throat with one hand."Where's my family you son of a bitch?!(*)" I roared at him.

He smirked, then slowly disappeared out of my hand. A low growl escaped my throat. It seemed to rumble around the room. I clenched my fists, rage coursing through my veins. I looked out the window, then opened it and howled. Howled with rage and agony. I didn't care who saw me do it, or what they thought of me when I did it. I didn't care if my back hurt.

Once I find Eggman and Scourge, I'll kill them. Both of them.

I ripped off the bandage around my waist and threw it out the window, then jumped out. My back coarsed with pain when I stretched my arm out to grab a lamp post. I ignored it, and kept going.

~~~> Luescris

"Uuuhhhnnn~..." I moaned in pain, sitting up and rubbing my head. "What happened...?"

I looked around, blinking away the drowsiness. The others were still asleep, and looked like there was charcoal colored all over them. Well, all except Lapuz. She was trapped in some sort of cage, but still asleep... How in the world did that happen?

"Well, at least someone is awake." A voice I knew as Eggman said.

"Where are we, Eggface?!" I yelled. "And where's your big fat nose?!"

I heard footsteps, and slowly he revealed himself to me. A giant grin was on his face, as if something funny has happened.

"The first part of my plan has worked perfectly." He said. "Soon, we'll have the world right in our hands!"

"Ha!" I heard Tails laugh, and turned to him. "You wish!" He said with a smirk. "Sonic'll stop you like he's done multiple times before!"

I turned back around to him and smirked. "Yeah. What he said. And we'll help him!!"

"Yeah!!" Everybody else shouted.

But Eggman seemed to think little of what we said. He began to snicker, then laughed like the madman he was. "OHOHOHOHO!!! You stupid, stupid animals!!" He said, grinning. "I sent Scourge on a mission to set that hedgehogs mind in a rage. When he crashes through that door, he'll be to angered to notice that there is a trap right. Here." He stepped aside and revealed an X-shape. A hatch opened up and revealed a circular cage. Around the bottom were the seven chaos emeralds.

"Last time you used the emeralds as a trap," Amy said rather smugly. "He turned into Super Sonic and destroyed your plan."

"But these chaos emeralds," Eggman stated. "Are fakes."

Fakes?! I thought, worry forming inside me.

"Besides, he's in that Werehog form. It'll have a much different effect on him. His energy and that Dark Gaia Force that is still in him will be plenty of energy for me to let my ship run again!" His glasses glinted dangerously. "There won't be anymore Sonic once I'm through with him! HOHOHO!!!! "

We all stared at him with horror.

"You're... You really are mad..." I said, backing away a few steps.

"Am I?" He asked. "I won't have to do this, if you agree to stand down, and let me take over!!"

"Not happenin', Doc!!!!" Someone shouted.

I looked over and saw Sonic standing up on a window sill high above us, and he jumped down. When he landed, he stood slowly, and gave Eggman the most deadliest stare he has ever given anyone.

"Let. My friends. Go." He growled. "Now."

Eggman took a button from his shirt, and pressed it. A cage dropped on top of Sonic, who pried open the bars and stepped out with what seemed like no effort.

But the next second, I saw a wire of electricity shoot at him.

"Sonic!!! Look out!!" I cried, pointing.

Sonic turned around quickly, and grabbed it. Electricity ran over his furry arms, and he roared with pain.

"Dad!" Bolt cried, running to the bars.

The cord retracted, and Scourge jumped down with a smirk. He walked up to Sonic, smirking.

"I suggest," He said. "That you either surrender, or I do the same thing to your family."

"Don't listen to him! We'll be fine!!" Amy cried out.

Sonic looked up at him slowly. Then, he roared again and tackled him. "You're not touching them!!!"

For a while, the two tussled, Scourge with his whips and Sonic with his claws and strength. I felt completely helpless, since I thought I couldn't do anything. I really wanted to help. It ended with Sonic slashing at Scourges' face, and he yelped and fell, holding the side of his face.

Sonic glared down at him, then turned to Eggman. "You're next."

I looked behind me at the others, who had the same look as I did: Fear.

Eggman smirked. "Are you sure? Because it looks like my trap had worked!"

With that, a hatch surrounded him from the floor up, and a purplish ring held him in place.

We all yelled his name, and everyone now stood at the bars of our cell.

Sonic looked prepared for pain. In fact, it looked like he was in pain.

"Eggman please!!!" Amy cried. "Have... M-mercy!!"

I cringed at that. Since when did Egghead care to give mercy to anyone?

"Mercy??" Eggman spat. "Have you ever given me mercy?! Why in the world should I have to when you're always getting in my way?!"

"We'll give you what you want!" Any said. "Just--"

"What I want is all of you dead," Eggman said. "And to rule the world!!! Now stop pestering me and let me finish my task!!!"

With another push of a button, the machine started. The fake chaos emeralds began to glow. And we all watched in horror and waited.


Is this the end of Sonic? Or will he survive what Eggman believes will kill him? And will the others be okay? Find out in the next chapter of The Mini Adventures!

Woo!! I'm on an updating spree now!! :D

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