Chapter Nineteen- Sorry?

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A/N: Yeah, so I changed the ending in this chapter. Again. XP

~~Sonics POV

My brain seemed to just stop working for a minute. It went blank. No thoughts, no feelings. Nothing. Why? I had absolutely no idea.

"He was... Thrown out of the ship..." Orbot said in between sobs. "By Scourge... W-we tried to save..." His voice trailed off in grief.

I simply stood there, unsure of what to do.

My mind was utterly blank.

Nothing came to my head.

I looked over at the others behind me for support, anything to say. They stared back at me, bruised, dirty with ripped clothes and scares all over their faces. All that was because of Eggman, all because of him.

Why didn't I feel happy?

"I... Know what you're thinking hedgehog..."

I whipped my head back around at the man.

He tried his best to push himself up against the tree, only to grunt with pain and fall back down on the ground. He looked back up at me. "I see it too.. What I did.. To them." He gave a small, pained chuckle. "It's amazing how.. After all these years..."

I knew I had to do something, so I slowly knelt by his side, hiding my wince of pain. I still had no idea what to say. I couldn't meet his eyes (I know that sounds weird just go with it).

"You probably think.. It's a miracle... Really I wouldn't blame you. This... Is my fault."

"I'm sorry..."

I looked up at him finally with surprise. He didn't make another move, sound another word. He was as still as a statue, just lying there. Eyes fixed on nothing.

He died, apologizing, as if it'd fix everything. As if it would make the past seem like nothing, pick up the peices and put them back together. Everything.

Orbot looked up at me slowly. "Cubot... Give the bag to them."

I looked at Cubot, who held out the bag in his hands without a word. Without emotion. I reached out and took it, opened it, and gasped.

Inside were the Chaos Emeralds. Gleaming, full of power.

"Take them with you Sonic." Orbot muttered. "Give Scourge what he deserves. Save the world. That's what Eggman would want you to do.."

I looked at him. Is that really what he would want?

I looked back up at Eggman again. My heart finally decided to work again, and I felt it grow heavy. Heavy with anger and sadness. I stood with the bag in my hand and looked at the others. They were all staring at the floor.

"First," I said quietly to Orbot. "We bury him. Right in this spot." I turned back to him. "That's the least he deserves."

~~Some Time Later

With loads and loads of largish rocks in our hands, we covered his body, first building around and filling in empty spaces. I told them where to put what. And it continued for hours. As we worked, dark and heavy clouds rolled in. Matching our mood.

When it was finished, we stood around it, with blank, sorrowful faces. I didn't understand why we felt so terribly. Why did we even care?

Because our hearts are to good to not. I thought, answering my own question.

I walked up to the newly made grave and placed a hand on top of it. "Sleep well, Eggface..." Was all I said.

And then the rain began to fall from the sky. Thunder rolling from above our heads. It was the day my archenemisis died. And it was grief filled.

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