Chapter Seventeen- I'm Awake

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~Amys POV

Within a few hours, they had a plan. They were going to do their best to sneak into the base as best they could, and as quietly as they could. They would grab as much gear as possible before being caught.

And they still decided to leave me behind, which was irritating. I see their points, but I'm not that far into my pregnancy. Just like Tails had said. But I couldn't really argue much. I was staying, and that was it.

"You're sure you'll be okay here?" Tails asked for the tenth time, strapping a dart gun to his waist.

I shrugged. "Of course."

Alice came and hugged me tightly for a few seconds. I couldn't help but smile slightly. "We'll be back mom. Promise."

"I know you will," I replied gently, stroking her quills motherly. "And that's why I would like to give you something."

I pulled her back, took out my Piko Piko Hammer and held it out to her with a small, proud smile. "Take this with you. You'll need it."

Alice blinked at it with surprise. "But.... This is yours.."

"No." I replied. "It's  yours."

She looked up at me, eyes shining. Her bottom lip quivered slightly and she glomped me in another hug. "Thank you mom...."

I chuckled. "Give Eggman a few good hits for me, would ya?"

After a minute, she pulled back. She nodded with a determined glint in her eyes. "I won't let you down."

That's my girl. I thought, wanting to cry.

I then looked over at Bolt. He sat next to his father with a hard look in his eyes, hand on his shoulder. I stood and walked to him.

"This better work..." Bolt mumbled. "If it doesn't, and... And he dies... As well as the rest of the world, I..."

I sat next to him and hugged him comfortingtly. "Don't worry. Just try really hard. We'll win this."

"We've been trying really hard. And we never won." He looked at me. "How did you and dad get through this..?"

I was gonna respond to him, but Tails inturrupted us. "Alright guys. Let's move out. We've got a long night ahead of us."

I gave Bolt an encouraging smile. "Go make us proud."

He hugged me for a second, then stood and followed the group. Alice waved at me, Hammer over her shoulder. The way I would've carried it before going into battle.

The clearing was soon emptied with everyone except Sonic, Knuckles and I. I looked at Sonic and wondered what he was dreaming about.

His face was scrunched up, as if in pain. It struck me as kinda cute. If it weren't for the small tears that crawled down his face anyway.

I placed his head in my lap and stroked one of his quills lovingly. I wondered if he could feel it.

~Sonics POV

I had my eyes shut closed tightly. I had finally figured out what Tikal was trying to get me to do when she meant "to let the darkness guide me".

And I hated the meaning. Tears were crawling down my face as I remembered the nightmare that I had a few days back. It played over and over in my head, and I couldn't control my blubbering at all.

"Tell me Sonic," Tikal whispered. "Why can't you let it go?"

"Th-their faces...." I gulped. "The way they looked at me.. I-It was fear. Fear. I..."

Purposely, I broke my concentration. I placed my head in my hands and sobbed, shoulders shaking heavily.

"I don't.. W-want it to... Happen again.." I moaned. "I can't bear it!"

I felt her hand on my shoulder. "Look at me."

I rose my head and stared at her through blurred vision. She smiled at me sadly. "Sometimes, it's okay to cry. Not everything in the world is happiness and joyous. Terrible things happen to everyone. Even when they help the world." She squated. "Sonic, whenever you experience something as painful as this, you can cry. You have friends who can help you through your pain. Feel it. Let it fall through your eyes. Don't ignore it. You have the tendency to do that." She gave a smirk.

My tears had slowed as her words sank into me. Full understanding filled me. I felt as if my heart had lost ten million pounds, as if if finally built itself together after falling into peices. And so I cried more.

I cried about my family, cried about my past, cried about the many frienss I've lost, almost drowning. It came, wave after wave. And it felt great to let it all go in a waterfall of grief. Tikal held me through it, petting my quills and saying comforting things. After a long few minutes, head pounding, I had no more tears to shed. I pulled back with a hiccup.

"You understand now?" She asked me.

I lifted my head. "Yes. I understand." My  voice didn't crack. Not even the slightest.

Tikal gave a proud grin. "Very good. Then you are free to go. Hurry and tell your friends to stop their plans." Her smile faded. "Or else they die."

My eyes widened. "Wait... What??"

A wave of black hit me with full force. I fell back to the ground with a thump.

~Amys POV

I was half asleep when I felt Sonics head shift in my lap. Then I heard a small groan, woke myself up, and looked down at Sonic.

I heard him say my name.

"S-sonic...?" I whispered hopefully. My heart pounded.

"... A-amy..." I heard him whisper faintly. "We have to stop them..." Then his eyes cracked open. His emerald green eyes stared up at me.

I gave a large gasp, and covered my mouth. "S-s-s--...." Tears crawked to the edges of my eyes as I struggled with his name. ".... Sonic...?"

He gave a small, weak smile. "Hi hunney."

I hooked a arm under his neck and hugged him tightly. I placed kisses everywhere on his face. "Oh... My gosh!! You're... Alive and.. Living!! I can't... Believe it!!!"

He chuckled, and allowed me to do so for a few more seconds, then he pulled my lips to his and kissed me gently, holding one of my quills. I kissed back, missing his warm lips. He pulled away after another minute. "I missed you too."

I gave a grin and gave a small laugh.

Sonic's smile, however, disappeared. "Amy. We have to stop them. We have to stop them now."

I blinked at his urgency. "Wait... How do you--"

"Long story. Just please." He pushed himself up with obvious effort, grunting and wincing with pain.

"Sonic," I said, slowly helping him up. "Sonic please. You need to rest."

"I'll rest later." He grunted. He looked up at me with concerned eyes. "Amy, they're gonna get killed if we don't."

I blinked at him. My stomach felt slightly heavier. "Killed...?"

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