Chapter Ten- A Stormy Night

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I had ANOTHER writer's block for a few days, but now I'm back thanks to IGotThatSonic! Hope you enjoy!:3


~~>Normal POV

The group of friends sat in the middle of the living room, talking and laughing. They had alot to catch up to, so they decided to sit in the living room and chat.

But Sonic, however, stared at the ground in silence, trapped in his own thoughts. No words had reached his ears the entire time, as if he was in a trance.

"Well, I've gotta go." Tails said, standing and walking to the door. "I forgot something at a store. I'll be right back."

"Okay! See you!" Alice called after him as he walked out.

"Stay safe!" Amy said.

Then, there was a moment of silence. It was the comftorable silence, a silence that told everybody that they were back for good, and were happy for that reason.

"A-amy...?" Sonic asked suddenly and quietly. "Can we talk...? In the room...?"

The pink female hedgie looked up at her husband with curiosity, then said, "Sure." She looked back at Alice and Bolt, rubbed their heads lovingly, then set off after Sonic.

Bolt and Alice watched them leave, and another silence falls on them. Lapuz then hops up from the couch and runs into the hallway. She came back a moment later with a small rectangular box and a smile.

"Who wants to play Twister?" She asked happily.

~~~> Sonics POV

Alright. Here it goes. I'm going to tell her about my nightmare. I looked up from the couch I was sitting, and in a quiet voice I called her name. She looked up at me with shining eyes. It almost made me guilty for ruining her happy moment, but I had to tell her. I asked if we could talk in the room in the same voice.

Concern filled her eyes. "Sure." She said, then followed me out after rubbing Bolts and Alices heads.

I walked into the room silently, grabbing my left arm.

"Is... Everything alright Sonic?" Amy asked after shutting the door.

I sat on the bed and looked at the ground. She sank next to me and looked at me with concern.

"I... I had a nightmare..." I mumbled when she grabbed my hand gently. "You know how I went Dark?"

I saw her nod in the corner of my eye, and I told her. The whole time, I kept my gaze on the ground, which I should not have done. If I looked up at least once, I would've seen one of Eggmans' fly bots in the window, spying on us. I would've seen it fly off back to its creator, and would've followed it and destroyed it before it got away. But that never happened.

It was quiet after I finished the story. I looked up at her slowly and saw her smiling.


"Sonic," She started gently. "You know that's only a dream. Why in the world would I hate you? I have loved you for years. Your children still love you for who you are."

"But the look Bolt gave me..." I said. "It felt like my heart was ripped in two when he looked up at me." I looked back down, eyes watering slightly. "Even... Even if it was just a dream, it still just.... Hurts. You don't know how it feels. You don't know what it's like when you stare into your loved ones eyes and see fear. Fear, Amy. I scared our child. Our children..."

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