Chapter Seven- Rescue Mission Part Three

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Well, this is another part. Have fun reading!


~~> Bolt

A blinding light hit me as I stepped out of a ship, as well as cheers. I squinted to get my eyes to adjust, then gasped. The seats above us were filled with robots and very few mobians. The medal roof was opened to a slowly darkening sky, giving us light.

"Hheeellooooo ladies and gentle men!!" Eggmans' voice boomed. "Welcome to the very first battle of heroes versus villians! Tonight will be something extraordinary!"

A door to our left opened, and my Mom and Dad came stumbling out of it. They both looked banged up.

"Mom!" I cried. "Dad!"

They both turned their heads to me, and both of their eyes widened. I ran up to them and into their embrace as Eggman continued.

"Tonight we have Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose Hedgehog--as well as their children!"

The crowd above booed. Some even threw rocks at us.

I heard Dad say, "How did you get here? Why are you here?"

I looked up at him. "We came to save you."

"And now ladies and gentlemen," Eggman said from the invisible speaker, "Here comes their first opponent! This robot was designed to destroy any blue or pink nuisance that stood in my way! Please welcome, the new and improved, Medal Sonic!!"

A robot the same size as us emerged. It was followed by the scorpion robots that first attacked us. It's medal was the same blue as me and dad, and it's eyes were red. It's claws glinted dangerously (and almost dramatically) in the sunlight.

"You all will perish." Medal Sonic said.

Dad chuckled. "Long time no see, M.S. Had a nice trip last time we met?"

I looked up at him. "You guys have met already?"

"A couple times." Mom said, not taking her eyes off of the robots.

Couple of times?

Medal Sonic raised a hand, and the scorpion robots came charging. Dad and I jumped in sinc and destroyed the robots in matter of seconds.

As we fought, Eggman continued speaking. "I also forgot to mention one little thing: If they win, they get to go home free, without any injuries. But if they loose, I get to take away both Sonics' and his sons' speed, and keep them hostage. As well as their little friends! So you'd better not loose, hedgehogs! Or the world is mine! OHOHOHOHO!!!!"

I gritted my teeth. I had to win this. For the fate of me, my family, friends, and the world.


~~> Normal POV

"Why make a deal like that when you know they're going to win?"

Eggman and Scourge turned around and looked at who had spoken. Sapphire, Lapuz, Luescris, Tails, and Alice were all trapped in the cage. Luescris had a smirk on her face.

"I mean seriously. Sonic had kicked your flabby butt millions of times."

Eggman smirked as well. "Sonic has, but what about his son?"

Luescris's smirk dropped.

"And besides, Sonic was the one who gave me the idea in the first place." He turned back to the window.

Scourge walked up to the cage. "But what he doesn't know is that there's a little 'surprise' waiting for both of them if they win." He placed a finger underneath Luescris's chin, and smirked. "Once they're delt with, I'll have my revenge."

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