5. Guilty Pleasure (Kevin Tran xreader)

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You was studying in the bunker for your exam on Thursday. It's been 5 hours and you're only a little over half the way done.

You sat there studying then you looked up to see Kevin looking at you from across the table.
"What? You need something?" You asked
"No just wondering how you're doing and how the studyings coming along" he smiled
You groaned "god it's a pain" you exclaimed "I've been here for 5 hours and I barely get it"
You were stressed and Kevin could tell. You guys have gotten so close since  he started living with you guys. At first you'd pick on eachother and bicker all night but now you guys are really close.
Kevin is one of your best friend.

"How about I help you study?" He smiled widely.
"You look like a dork" you chuckled.
Kevin rolled his eyes and went to sit right beside you.
"Anyways, let me help you study." He looked at you "maybe it'll take some of the stress off you." He smiled and began scanning through your book, reading and examining every page carefully.
You watched and when he was done you practically could tell him everything about it.
You smiled and hugged him.
"Thank you so much, Kevin."
He patted your back and a smile formed on his face. "Anytime, (Y/N)."

You blushed slightly at his kindness and went into the living room and laid down on the couch.
"I'm beat."
He sat down at your feet.
"I mean, I spent 7 hours studying..I just wanna relax"
You leaned your head back on the couch.
Kevin grabbed your legs and put them on his lap, rubbing them softly but soothingly, almost in a massaging way.

"I'll help you relax" he smiled

When you were stressed and tired, Kevin was always the first to step in. You're his guilty pleasure.

He'll often look at you when he's trying to read the tablet as a reminder of why he's doing this all and staying here instead of leaving and giving up.

You shuffled around and laid your head on his lap.
He pet your hair and rubbed your shoulders. You closed your eyes and were comfortable. Forgetting about all the work and stress. Tension going away.
Kevin was truly great.
He's not an advanced placement.
He's much more.
He's your best friend. You're his guilty pleasure, but somehow you complete eachother.
You feel empty without eachother.

"Feeling better, (Y/N)?" He asked smirking
"Mhm.." You hummed and cuddled up to his torso with a smile.
"Thought so.." He smiled and let his hands rest while draped around you.

"Love you, Kev" you said, blushing madly but hiding it in his shirt.
"Love you, too, (Y/N)..."
You both feel asleep tangled together on the couch.
Leaving Sam and Dean to find you two like that after the hunt and picking on your for days.

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