15. Surprise...or not (Dean xreader)

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You and Dean had been out all day. It wasn't a date really. You two aren't dating or anything although you wished otherwise.

Dean looked over at you and smiled.
"What?" You asked, smiling back up at him.
"Nothing." You chuckled
"Then why are you laughing?" You pouted and crossed your arms.
"You're just short" he said, not even trying to hold in the laughter.
"Shut up, Squirrel" you teased, smirking in with pride. He just laughed and wrapped an arm around your waist as you walked through the mall.
You blushed at his touch as his thumb would rub your side.
You walked through the mall and walked into a ice cream shop.
"What would you like, (Y/N)?" He asked looking at you after he orders a vanilla cone.
"I think I'll have vanilla, too.." You said looking at the flavors. He nodded and ordered it.
He gave you yours and you both went and walked around the mall. You spotted a really cool jacket and Dean took you in.
"Oh my gosh! Dean look!" You yelled, pointing to the black leather jacket with cloth lining. "Try it on" he said smiling.
He got it off the rack and gave it to you.
You put it on and showed him smiling.
"You like it?"
He smiled. "I love it."

He bought it for you and you wore it as soon as he bought it. You told him thanks and he kissed your forehead.
"No problem"

You both left the mall and walked down  the block to a huge park in town.

After you both finished your cones, you went and got on a swing.
Dean got behind you and pushed you higher.
He would get really high, making you squeal. "Deeeaaan!!! Sttoop!" You laughed and he continued doing it.

He stopped after awhile and grabbed your feet pulling you off the swing, but before you could fall he caught you with a sly grin. "Gotcha"
You blushed and smiled, standing up.
"You scared me"
He shrugged and you guys went over and say on a bench in the park.
"Hey, (Y/N), can I ask you something?" He asked curiously, sitting really close to you.
"Yeah. Anything." You said, biting your lip.
"If I liked someone, should I just tell them?"
"Well, yeah. Who do you like, anyways." He blushed lightly and your heart started skipping. What if he likes me?! Is he going to ask me out?!!!
"I-I like.." His face gets really red.
"Who? Who do you like Dean?" You ask, not wanting to seem too anxious but you definitely are.
"I like Castiel." He blurts out.

Your face goes blank, but it's no surprise really. Everyone knew he was bi and head over stilettos for the Angel.

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