35. Left Twix vs Right Twix (team free will)

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"Sammy, I swear, left twix just taste better than right twix." Dean said knowingly with a smirk, eating his twix.

"No, Dean. Right twix taste better. There's more Carmel and it's just better, okay?" Sam looked at Dean while eating a twix aswell.

"No it's not okay. There's absolutely no way that right can taste better. There even package at a different place at the factory."

Dean held up two twix bars and yelled for Cas.
"Cas! Get your ass in here!"

Cas popped up and Dean gave him a left twix and a right one. "Taste these and say which one is better and why." Cas looked at Dean confused, but did as told.

"They taste the same." Cas looked down at Sam and Dean confused.
"Are the supposed to be different? Are my tastebuds going bad?" The angel asked worriedly.

They chuckled. "No Cas, but the left one taste way better right?!" Dean asked.

"No act-"
Cas was cut off by Sam.

"Right twix was better, right Cas?"

Cas looked down confused.

"I am actually more fond of the Hershey." Cas said.

"NO!" Sam and Dean said in Union.
"Twix is way better."

Cas glared down and snapped his finger, making blue tape go over their mouths.
"Do they have packaging tape like this over at twix?"

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