24 What Now?

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     If you had told me I'd be trapped in the trunk of the car that my best friend was in, I would have slapped you. Called you an idiot. And maybe forced you to drink some water. Because how was I supposed to know this would happen?

        Currently the upfront people are talking about their meal. Completely normal, except I'm in their trunk and they have my best friend who is conversing with them like she's their best friend.

       I need to keep my breathing under control or I may suffocate. In...out...in...out... I hear a screech and I roll forward and back. A girl and guy curse. I rub my head.

        The car begins moving again like nothing happened.

        My parents are going to kill me.

           My parents. Phone. I reach into my back pocket and pull out my cellphone. I click the side button and a red battery pulses on the screen. Shoot. I forgot to charge my phone last night as well as this morning, and I drained the battery in the car earlier because I was avoiding conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Briar.

        I slide my phone back in my pocket, my hand dragging against the felt carpeting.

        I silently sigh, rolling onto my side, me knees bent. When they open the trunk they could kill me. Though Eliza's alive. There's that at least. She looked healthy.

           Horrible images flash through my mind of what could happen to me. I squeeze my eyes shut. I want my mom and dad. They always know what to do. I was not prepared for this situation.

           Homeschoolers are not preppers with gas masks and guns.

          The car stops and I feel it being put in park. My heart speeds up. Doors close.

       "Go tell him we're back." A man.

"I knew a smelt something." A girl.

The click and sunlight are simultaneous. A girl, her outline black against the sun, appears. My heart pounds. She curses and grabs hold of me, pulling me out of the trunk. She throws me to the ground, and my whole body jars. I spit out dirt, my body in shock from the drop. I'm going to die.

      "Please, guys," Eliza pleads. I lift my head to see her being held back by a guy.

       "What's this?" The girl kicks my ribs. The wind flies out of me and I groan.

        "She's human." A man growls. I count three males and two females plus Eliza. Human. Yeah, I'm human.

          Panting, I throw myself at the girl, tripping and knocking her to the ground.

         Her fingernails dig into my arms and she flips us around so I'm underneath her. Her fingernails burrow deeper. Hair sprouts over her entire body. Her face lengthens into a snout. I must already be dead. Instead of curves her ears point upward.

        On top of me is no longer a human girl.

        It's a wolf.

       A werewolf.

      "Belenia, get off her," Eliza yells.

      I'm in shock. I have no idea how to feel. Werewolves are real. One's about to kill me. What a way to go...

      "Well the cat's out of the bag," muses a man. I can't see who. I have a wolf on top of me, remember? Did I mention it's a werewolf? "Lewis, Reagan, have fun finishing her off."

       "No," I hear Eliza scream.

        I close my eyes. Please, Lord, let me get out of this.

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