38 Can't Fight It

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Around nine everyone heads to a clearing in the woods. As we walk, I stay close by Jasper's side. Already naked members of the pack grab their heads and fall forward, shifting into wolves. Letting out a howl, they run ahead of us.

We reach the clearing where boulders are scattered about. Everyone around me minus Jasper strips. I give him a searching look, but he just gives me a sidelong glance and doesn't make any move to remove his clothing. Travis and Hunter are to my right a ways down.

"My pack." A naked Xavier stands on top of a rock in the center of the clearing. "It's time." A large shutter runs over his body, and he hunches forward as his body shifts into blond wolf. I can see so incredibly well even in the night where the only lights are from the moon and stars, all without my glasses that I left in the truck. Will I even need glasses again? Xavier tilts his head back and howls as wolves replace human bodies. I slide closer to Jasper.

Xavier turns and bounds down the rock, disappearing into the woods. The wolves follow him, and Jasper lurches forward.

I grab onto his hand. "Don't leave yet, please."

"I'm not. Half of me is telling me to follow my alpha, the other half is saying to stay with you."

"How long can you hold off the shift? Not until midnight?"

"I don't know. I've never had a mate who was going to shift for the first time who I had to stay with."

"If you did, I'd be wondering what was wrong with you."

He sinks onto the damp ground. "You aren't already wondering that?"

I join him, leaning my back against a tree trunk. "Maybe a little."

He smiles briefly. I shouldn't be able to see his expressions clearly without my glasses.

"Am I never going to have to wear glasses again?"

"I didn't tell you?" He pokes me in the ribs with his elbow. "Being a wolf comes with perfect vision. Better than any human's."

That's going to be an adjustment. I've always had them for as long as I can remember. A welcome adjustment. No more looking for lost glasses or crushing them when I set a textbook on top of them.

"See, becoming a werewolf isn't that bad."

"To be fair you didn't give me the greatest sales pitch." Still freaking out though. I'm going to have another body. What am I going to look like? Will look ferocious or like a puppy? What color will my coat be? How sharp exactly are my teeth. "Your coat is black, and Xavier's is blond. They match your hair colors. Is that typical?"

Arching his back, he grits his teeth as his body trembles. "You'll be brown. Your eyes will also be the same color. Okay this is going to sound incredibly weird after happened earlier, but unless you want your clothes to shred then you need to take them off." As he says this he pulls off his shirt.

"All of them?"

He stands up, working with his buckle. "Sorry." He drops his pants, following up with shrugging off his boxers. I keep my eyes up, even though a month ago I was used to seeing him naked.  "Nudity doesn't bother us."

"People don't usually walk around naked."

He crouches down for which I'm grateful. It covers up certain parts. "We're not people, and after tonight neither are you."

"You can't expect me to adjust to all these customs right away."

He places his fingers around my chin. "I don't. But I know you don't want to shift back and have to walk around everyone naked until you can find clothes. You still have some time before midnight, whereas I don't know how much time I have."

My Best Friend's WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now