39 Embracing the Wolf

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A rumble fills my chest and pulling myself up, I tilt my head back and release a howl. Jasper mimics mine.

I'm a wolf.

Another howl sounds in the night sky.

Jasper walks around me in a circle, sniffing almost every inch of me. He sticks his nose in my butt and I growl. He moves on. On my mark he spends a while. He licks it, and I find myself rubbing my head against his.

My turn to inspect him, I find I'm drawn to smell his backside. Through the smell I'm reassured of him being male, and find him to be anxious.

A second howl rings out. Alpha.

Jasper runs forward, barking. I chase after him, night air blowing in my face. I maneuver over rocks and roots until I fall forward. I let out a whimpering growl. Jasper darts back to my side and licks my front left paw. I stand, shaking out my fur before leaping forward, breaking into a run again, Jasper on my heels who soon passes me.

My heart pounds to my steps as I follow him through the turns and twists he makes. He halts behind a group of wolves, my pack. They're scattered through the trees. They smell my scent and trot over to me to sniff me out, most going for my backside. Jasper stays near me.

I recognize by their smell the blond and brown wolves sniffing me—Hunter and Travis.

A larger blond wolf stalks over—Alpha. He lets out a menacing growl, baring his teeth. All of the wolves around me, including Jasper back away, their rears raised. Immediately, I drop to the ground and roll onto my back. He runs his nose over my stomach and to my hip. In fear, I pull my ears back. He moves onto sniffing my face and I gently bite his jaw, showing submission. His tail wags, and he bites down on my snout before walking away.

Jasper runs his head over my neck.

Agitation spreads throughout the pack and wolves bark. Alpha takes off deeper into the woods and howls ring out as we all race to follow him. Wolves put their noses on the ground and so do I. Though I don't know what food smells like, I know we're on the hunt. I want to sink my teeth into flesh and rip it away.

The pack quiets down and half of us head to the right, while Jasper and I are with the ones heading to the left. Some wolves go farther up ahead and we move inwards. A musky scent overwhelms my nose as I step lightly between the tress.

There. Deer.

Focusing on the deer closest to me, I wag my tail. Food.

Wolves begin launching forward, scattering the deer in a mad panic. I leap at the deer closest to me, now trying to find her way out from between me, Jasper, and another pack wolf. The other wolf jumps, biting into the deer's hip. Jasper goes for the neck

Copying the other wolf, I latch onto the other hip, shaking my head as the deer lets out a scream. Two more wolves jump on it bringing it down. They tear into the deer's stomach and begin chowing on her insides while the doe screams. Jasper bites onto the nose, and the wolf who took the other hip bites in, it's gray snout becoming coated in red.

The doe's rapid convulsions slow, and I open my mouth, ready to sink my jaw into the fresh flesh. The already feasting wolves growl and snap at me. The doe stops moving and Jasper releases her nose, biting into her neck. One of the three wolves move off, inspecting the other kills, and I sink my jaw into the shank, savoring the warmth as blood squirts out, splashing on my snout. I swallow the fresh meat greedily, knowing I helped bring down the doe.

Once I'm satisfied, I back off, licking my nose. Jasper barks at me wagging his tail. I head his way and he turns, bounding into the woods. He leads me to a small pool, a stream trickling down into it from above a cliff not far above us. He wades into the water and barks at me.

He ducks his head, washing off, and I join him. The water is not deep, and I plop down, cooling off.

Yapping, Jasper chases his tail, splashing water. He catches his tail and he tumbles against me. I stand, shaking the water off my fur. With more barking, he crouches down on his forelegs, wagging his tail. He wants to. . . He nips at my fur and backs away barking.

I tilt my head, and he lets his tongue loll out of his mouth.

. . . play.

I bound after him, chasing, and tackling him. He bites playfully at my ears and rolls me underneath him. I bark, tugging on his fur. He darts his head side to side, biting my ears. Kicking my legs I get him off of me and bound into the woods, wanting him to chase me. I hear him following and force myself to run faster.

I catch a whiff of a new scent and set a course veering right. Jasper overtakes me but doesn't try playing, caught on the scent as well.

The scent leads us to a house where two humans sit in front of a camper in lawn chairs. I lick my snout. Jasper does the same. We inch closer toward the young couple. They aren't fat but still. . . my stomach grumbles, the deer long forgotten by it.

I charge.

So Addy's a werewolf now! You have no idea how weird it was to write this part. Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll be looking for the next chapter next Sunday!

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