His Sister's Keeper

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"Hurry! She's starting to move!"

"I'm trying, hold on!" Lincoln replied.

After she went back into unconsciousness, Lincoln informed me of a cave that was nearby. The problem was that it was blocked by a very large boulder and I had to hold on to her while Lincoln moved it.

Finally, he was able to move it and he quickly grabbed her from me and nodded towards the entrance telling me to hop in.

When I was in the cave, I only had slivers of moonlight to guide me. I heard Lincoln jump in after me and I moved swiftly down the narrow passage until I found a large open space. Lincoln moved in front of me and gently laid her down on the soft dirt.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him. "If Anya finds out we're helpi-" I started in a panicked voice.

"She won't." Lincoln cut me off. The girl grunted and Lincoln and I stopped immediately.

"Keep quite." He said. Lincoln moved towards her slowly then kneeled beside her. It was then that I noticed her right leg. The bone was almost out of her skin. Lincoln noticed too.

"Joyla," he said,"I need you to get back to camp." I nodded my head, agreeing.

"I need you to get my medicine bag." I nodded again and walked out of there. When I got out of the cave, I started to run.

When I reached our clan I ran to Lincoln's home. It was in a secluded area a couple of yards away from everyone else. When I reached it, I went inside and and looked for the small medicine bag. I couldn't find it but instead found a small rectangular can.

I opened it and saw six small glass bottles with herbal contents. Some were in powdered form, others in liquid. I recognized only one out of the six. It was used for getting rid of infections and was only safe in very small amounts. If it was used in large amounts, it was incredibly deadly.

I grabbed the small can and put it in a small bag I had attached to my waist. Just as I was turning to leave, I saw Lincoln's small leather book that he almost always carried with him. After debating for a short while on whether I should take it with me or not, I grabbed it and put it in my bag and walked swiftly out of his home.

There was an unusually large amount of people from my clan walking around and it was making it hard for me to leave. Just as I saw my way out, I bumped into a large, muscular body. I look up, ready to snap on the stranger for getting in my way when I realized who it was.


"Where have you been?" He asked me in an aggravated voice. His eyebrows were furrowed yet I'm not sure whether it was out of anger or worry.

I didn't answer him out of shock. This was the first time he spoke to me since the fog and I hadn't realized I've been craving his attention until now.

"Well?" He asked, waiting for an answer. I snapped out of my daze.

"I was with Lincoln." I said quickly, "Why do you care?"

I hadn't realize I said it until it came out of my mouth. My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks go red out of embarrassment. He was already upset, I didn't need to irritate him further. I was wasting time. I needed to get back to Lincoln.

Arin looked at me like he was trying to figure out what to say. He was mentally arguing with himself. Finally after what felt like two hours but was actually only about ten seconds he replied,

"I've always cared."

We stared at each other, completely ignoring the movement around us from our fellow clan members. It was then I really looked at him.

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