We Are Grounders pt.1 (2)

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I peered down through a tree I climbed at Anya and Clarke. Lincoln had left to get Finn to safety while I was supposed to wait in a tree with my bow and arrows to cover him in case anyone figured out who he was.

Clarke was pretty beaten up from what I could see and she stared daggers at Anya who sat by a fire yards from her. The horses started acting restless and I heard a branch snap in the distance. A man walked out of the trees.

"Your left flank is vulnerable." He declared. The sleeping Grounders awoke and stood to their feet, weapons poised.

"I have archers in the trees with orders to kill anyone hostile." Anya replied. I looked around me worriedly at her words. Thankfully they were on the other side of the little encampment.

"You're not hostile, are you Tristain?" Anya continued.

I felt my blood run cold at the name. I had never met Tristain, but I have heard of him. He was not someone you wanted to cross.

Tristain walked closer to where Clarke was and his eyes examined her.

"So, this is who's beating you." He stated. He looked disappointed and amused.

Clarke looked up at him.

"Who are you?" She asked. Tristain stared down at her with an unblinking gaze.

"I'm the man sent to slaughter your people." He replied calmly. Clarke looked behind him at Anya with her mouth slightly agape. She was terrified, not only for herself, but for her people as well.

"The commander sent you?" Anya asked him, a hint of disbelief in her voice. Tristain marched over to her.

"Your unit is mine now." He declared. He turned his attention to the surrounding Grounders.

"My rangers are hungry. They're at the river. Go feed them." He demanded. The others left to do as they were ordered. Tristain turned back to Anya.

"We march on the invaders camp at first light."

My mind quickly thought of what Bellamy had said to me before I left.

If you're not back by sunrise I'm going out to look for you, okay?

I had to get back to camp before then or else he could be the first to go...

"I'll make quick work with what you failed to do." Tristain continued, "Starting with this one." He pulled a knife out of his pocket and stalked towards Clarke.

Before he could reach her, someone shouted to get Anya's attention.

"Anya, look! Over there!"

I felt my heart rate increase as I immediately recognized the voice.


I hadn't seen him for only a few hours and yet my eyes raked over his form eagerly. He changed in the short time  I hadn't seen him.

His long, beautiful black hair had been cut short and was faded at the sides. There was no way it could've been put back into a braid.

Men usually did this before a great battle. That way their hair couldn't be pulled in a fight.

Warpaint decorated his face as well to strike fear in his enemies and he clutched a spear in his hand. His weapon of choice.

I turned my gaze away. I didn't deserve to even look at him, not after what I did.

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