We Are Grounders pt. 1

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AN: I will be splitting the last two episodes in 2 so it would be We Are Grounders pt.1(2,3,4). That way the story would be a bit longer and the last few chapters a bit shorter than usual.

Bellamy sighed as he rolled off of me and onto his back. A thin layer of sweat covered my body and the only sound in his tent was our labored breaths. Bellamy turned his head and I could feel him staring at me. I didn't dare return his gaze though.

'What did you just do?' I thought to myself.

I wanted nothing more than to just go back in time and prevent myself from going into his tent. If I did, I wouldn't be feeling the emense guilt like I do now.






'How could you do this to him?' I thought to myself.

Arin and I hadn't yet voiced any thoughts of a commitment to each other, yet after everything we've been through and the things we have said to each other...

We may as well have.

I was too engulfed in my thoughts that I didn't notice Bellamy grab my hand.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

It was then that I actually had the courage to look him in the eyes. To my surprise, he looked worried. Like he was afraid he did something wrong. I wanted to laugh at the thought.

Bellamy was perfect.

He was incredibly gentle with me the whole time, knowing I haven't done it before. His touch was infectious and his lips were soft and warm. Not once did I feel anything but pleasure the whole time.

It wasn't until we finished that Arin entered my thoughts...

"I'm thinking about you." I replied.

Bellamy smiled softly and turned on his side. I copied his moves so we were facing each other.

"What about me?" He asked.

"The effect you have on me."

Bellamy smiled once again and reached over so he could start drawing random patterns on my upper arm.

"A good or bad effect?" He asked.

I sighed. I really needed to tell Arin about this. I can't go on not telling him, the guilt would consume me.

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