Unity Day

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"Joyla." Bellamy said as he walked in to see me. His curly brown hair was it's usual untamed self.

"What?" I asked in a tired voice.

"I've been thinking. Today is Unity Day and I've decided that...you could leave."

What? I could leave? I felt a smile grow on my face. "When?" I asked eagerly.

"Tonight." He answered. If I hadn't been tied up, I would've hugged him. Arin. I could finally see him and Lincoln again. Even Anya. But then I thought, how could I leave unnoticed?

"How?" I asked.

"You'll leave during the night. People will probably be drunk celebrating. You'll be able to leave without being noticed." He answered. I sighed with relief.

I was going home.

"What do you mean, celebrating?" I asked.

"It's Unity Day." He answered. He said it in a voice that suguested I should know what Unity Day was.

"What's that?" I asked.

He laughed a little.

"Just some story people like to tell about hope and how 'everything will get better'" He said it mockingly, like he didn't really like Unity Day or believed it's cause.

"I'll come back later, when it's time." Bellamy said. He turned to leave, but stopped midway. He then turned around and walked back over to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I watched him reach to grab at a strap on one of my wrists.

"Loosening these." He replied.

When he had finished, I sighed in relief at how much more comfortable I was. Bellamy smiled softly before walking away once again.


"It's time." Bellamy said as he walked towards me. I smiled. I had been anxiously waiting for hours and it was finally happening.

He cut my bindings and I fell to the floor. He took off his jacket and handed it to me. "Here." He said, "It's kinda cold out there."

I smiled in thanks before I pushed my arms through the sleeves. The jacket was already warm from Bellamy's body heat.

Bellamy pulled the hood over my head and pulled me back on my feet. He guided me out of the building and outside. The air was crisp and you could see your breath if you looked close enough. It was loud. I saw dozens of teenagers drinking, laughing, and just...having fun.

For a moment, I envied them.

I was too distracted by so many different things happening that I didn't notice Bellamy leading me off into the trees. We came to a stop a couple of yards away from their camp. I turned towards Bellamy. I didn't exactly know what to do. Should I thank him for letting me go? Should I hug him? Should I say goodbye?

Luckily I didn't have to make that decision because it wasn't long before I felt large, muscular arms encase my body. I didn't know what to do so, I hugged him back. Bellamy was the first to pull away.

"As much as I hate to say it, I'll miss you." He said quietly. I smiled slightly before I turned and ran away into the trees.

I didn't know where I should go first, so I went to the cave Lincoln was always at. As I approached I heard voices.

"So, what the hell are you doing here?" I immediately recognized the voice. Octavia.

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