Contents Under Pressure

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"He's awake!"

"Tie him tighter! The last thing we need is this bastard getting free because you screwed up."

I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was blurred and I could tell that my arms and legs were tied. I couldn't move. My jacket that allowed me to camouflage in the trees was gone as well as the matching bottoms and I was left in a ripped tank top that slightly exposed my midriff and dark shorts that Anya had given to me as a gift.

Stretchy clothing like the shorts she gave me were hard to find.

I squinted and was able to make out Lincoln tied up, three young men, and a girl. I blinked a couple of times and saw that the girl was the one we saved.

The one who knocked me out.

'Never helping you again' I thought to myself.

"Octavia, get out of here." Said a familiar voice.

"I told you. They were protecting me. You didn't have to do this." The girl replied.

So that was her name. Octavia.

"This isn't about you. I'm doing this for all of us."

My vision was still a bit blurry but the young man Octavia was talking to looked really familiar. Both of them looked alike. Dark hair, tanned skin...

This had to be Bellamy. Octavia's brother.

"You did that for all of us?" Octavia asked Bellamy, motioning towards Lincoln.

That's when I really looked at Lincoln. His face was bloody and beginning to bruise.

"No, I did that for Finn, and Jasper, and Diggs, and John, and Roma." Bellamy replied.

"It wasn't even him."

"You don't know that!" Bellamy said, his voice rising. I continued to look around. So far, no one had noticed I was awake yet.

"We need to know what we're up against. How many there are and why they're killing us. And he's going to tell us right now."

I watched helplessly as Bellamy made his way over to Lincoln. I went to move but Lincoln caught my eye. He slightly shook his head, telling me not to do anything stupid.

"No, Bellamy please..."

"Miller, Miller! Get her out of here." Bellamy said.

I listened as Octavia faught against whoever this Miller guy was. She was easily overpowered.

"You know, I don't even think they speak English. He won't understand you." Octavia said as she walked away, defeated.

"Oh, I think he will." Bellamy retorted.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see what happened next.


"What the hell was that? We under attack or not?" Bellamy asked.

Moments before, something hit the side of the place we were in causing it to shake.

"Storm damage. We're okay." A young man replied.

"We're going to try this one more time. What's you name? Where's your camp? How many of you are there?" Bellamy asked Lincoln.

The whole time I was up here I had been forced to watch as Bellamy continuously hit and beat on Lincoln if he didn't answer a question, which was all the time. Lincoln still hadn't spoken to them and I had a feeling I couldn't either.

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