Chapter 10

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Rayne's POV

I wasn't hungry, so I went straight over to the table were Ross is sitting. I sat down in front of him, and massaged my jaw. Ross looked up and stopped mid-chew.

"What happened to you?" he said threw a mouth full of food.

"Fight. Alice." I said summing it up in to words. Ross knew what I meant.

"What did she do?" he handed my some napkins and I pressed them to my cheek.

"She slapped me, and her ring sliced and diced my cheek. I fell on the floor and smacked my jaw." I set the napkins down but me cheek was still bleeding a bit.

"It's going to need stiches." he said handing me more stiches.

"I'll be fine. I've survived worse." I said as Rocky sat down beside me.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Rocky asked. I turned to face him still holding the napkins up.

"No, not hungry." I said. Riker came over and sat down by us, he helps out with the music program and eats lunch with us. Only Ryland doesn't have lunch with us.

"Hey, can I borrow that?" I asked pointing to his cold water bottle.

"Sure." I grabbed it and put it to my jaw.

"Thanks." I said, closing my eyes. Well, at least my headache was a no show.

"So, what happened to you." Riker asks eating a piece of food.

"Got slapped, ring cut my cheek, face hit the floor, smacked my jaw." I simply said.

"It's going to need stiches." he said.

"I know, I'll sew it up tonight." Rocky, Ross, and Riker looked at me like I'd grown another head.

"What?" I asked.

"You're not serious are you?" Rocky asked.

"I'm not going to the hospital. He might find me." I said quietly.

"Then have the nurse sew it up." Ross said.

"Here I'll take you know." Riker said.

"Can she do that?" I asked Ross.

"I don't know, she's a nurse isn't she?" he said.

"Let's just go see." Riker said. We both got up and left the lunch room.

"So did you beat her up?" Riker asked.

"I just threated her."

"That's not what everyone's saying." I stopped walking and faced him.

"The people in the hall, that saw, say you guys fought."

"Well, they can find the video and watch it. I didn't fight her." I said walking again.

"I believe you."

We walked into the nurses office, she rushed over to me and moved my face looking at the cut.

"What happened?" she said in a sweet tone, Miss. Cai was a nice young women straight out of college.

"Uh, I got slapped and the girl's ring cut me." I said.

"It's going to need stiches." she said.

"Yeah, could you do them?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not." she said.

"Okay, we'll be going now."

I turned around and left, Riker following shortly after.

"Can you sew?" he asked me.

"Yeah, why?"

He held out his hand, in his palm was medical thread and needle.

"How'd you get this?" I asked.

"Took it when she wasn't looking." he said.

I took the stuff from his hand and headed for the bathroom.

"Stay here and keep watch." I said walking into the bathroom, and over to the mirror.

My cheek was red with blood, and there was a bruise  forming on my jaw.

I thread the needle and bite my tongue, so I wouldn't cry out. I sew up my cheek like a piece of clothe.

I wiped my face up and looked at the stiches. Not bad for no medical training.

I walked out and saw the time, lunch was over time for gym. I said good bye to Riker and went to catch up with Rocky and Ross.

Too bad Alice is in my gym class too.


This is just sort of a filler chapter.

Next one WILL be better. ;)))))


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