Chapter 39

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Me and Niall ate all the pizza with in minutes. I was so full every time I moved my stomach felt like it was going to pop. Niall and I sat there talking about our family, he told me he had a brother and about his mom and dad. How his brother had a baby, and that he was now and uncle. I wish I had a sibling... But no I had to be and only child. I told him more about my family and how my mom kinda disappeared and never was there. How I was an only child, and how me and Danielle were like so close we went everywhere together.

"We'll now you know everything." I said as he laughed taking my hand in his.

"Same with me." He said as I laid my head on his shoulder. We stayed like that for a while and my eyes became sleepy.

"I'll be right here." He said as he scooped me up as he laid beside me, as his arm came over my body and his hand in mine again. I felt my eyes close as I fell into darkness.

"No dad no I will never come back to you!" I yelled as he approached me with that knife as it made contact with my back, pain rushed thought my body as I screamed.

"You will never leave again, you will never see daylight, you will never see anything" he said as another sharp pain entered through out my body. I CRYED at the pain he was causing me.

I looked up at him as he started to speak again, someone had him on the floor before I opened my eyes. I looked back down as I felt my head being lifted to see the eyes of Niall. I smiled as he tried to help my up but to be interrupted with more pain. I screamed as the pain came to me. He lifted me up to where I could stand fully. But the pain kept coming.

"You bastard!" Niall yelled at my father.

We began to walk away as Niall screamed as I looked back I say Niall holding his stomach, I looked down as I fell beside him as he fell. I belt him as I looked at my fathers evil smirk. I saw Niall crying as he looked at me and his stomach. I became blurred as Niall fell back onto his back. I cried as I crawled beside him as his hand came into my hair.

"I'll always love you no mater what." He said "don't forget me." As his eyes looked in a different direction, I saw his chest rise and fall. I took his head to make him look at me.

"Don't say that, you'll be okay." I said crying as my father picked me up by my hair.

"He won't be fine" he said as I smacked him. He took e knife looking at me and stabbed me in the stomach as he threw me back town beside Niall.

"I love you Becca" he said as I moved my head beside his.

"I love you to"

"Becca wake up!becca! Becca wake up!" I heard a voice screaming at me.

"Ahh what!" I said shooting up to see Niall okay and not stabbed.

I quickly hugged him looking down at his and my stomach. I looked up as his eyes looked worried, I felt my cheeks where wet as he wiped the tears away.

"What happened?" I asked

"You had a bad dream, at first you where okay and sleeping the you started crying no screaming my name and stuff." He said as the dream replayed in my head.

"What was the dream about?" He asked

"Uhh...I don't really want to talk about it." I said as he nodded as I payed back down beside him, I heard knocking at the door as louis and Harry walked in with the rest of the trailing behind.

"Heyyyyyyy" Harry said as he sat in front of my face with that famous smile.

"Hi" I said as he looked all of a sudden worried

"We're you crying?" He asked as I looked back at Niall.

"Uh, I had a bad dream..." I said as he nodded and poked my stomach as he walked away.

"We'll were not alone anymore." I said as Niall laughed hugging me into him.

"Yeah I guess we will have to go into our room now.." He said as he locked me up carrying me I got the bed room.

"We'll goodnight Becca" he said kissing me.

"Goodnight Nialler." I said as he rolled over to snake his arm around me as his head was placed on mine.

I fell asleep to the perfect boy laying beside me.

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