Chaper 25

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I looked at Danielle as she red the letter. Her face smiling the whole time, then started to tear up. Uhh I thought to my self as I looked up at Niall as he smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

"Becca!" Danielle said.

"Yeah!" I said as she stood up and dragged me into the bathroom.

"Becca whips didn't you tell me!" She said with pure excitement.

"Well you see..." I started to say before I was cut off by a hug from Danielle.

"Becca it's fine, but if I would've known we would've had celebratory drinks on me" she said as some one knocked on the door.


"Becca I really have to go to the bathroom! Please get done with your girls talk,if not GO TALK SOMEWHERE WERE THERE'S NO PUBLIC USAGE." Zayn said as I oped the door to see the black haired boy jumping up and down.

"Move!" He said as he pushed me and Danielle out.

"Well you could've said please let me in but okay." Danielle said

"So anyways does anyone else know?" She said in a whisper.

"Um no we were going to tell them after the next concert." I said kinda hating that moment.

"We'll that's tomorrow so..." She said

"Wait, what?" I said

"Yeah. Tomorrow is there new start to there 2013 tour? Didn't you know... Wow Becca...we are having a party tonight? I thought you knew..." She said as I was standing there in pure shock because I didn't know any of this.

I walked out of the living room and into the kitchen where everyone else was they were either eating or arguing.

"Why didn't anyone tell me about the party tonight?" I said as everyone faced to me.

"We'll...we were going to tell you yesterday but I forgot and I was the person to remind everyone sooo..... Becca there is a party tomorrow so dress nice!" Harry said with a smile across his face.

"Well thanks Harry but you could've told me yesterday....remind me to get you a new brain." I said as his smile turned into a 'thanks and I hate you know' face.

After that was settled out I sat down at the table where Niall was finishing up his Nutella and toast, which was probably the 10th one he has had...oh Niall.

After a while we had to get ready for the party, us girls had the bathroom all to our selfs which was quite small... And the boys where in the kitchen, we also had the living room.

I decided on a turquoise high low dress with a silver sparkling waist, with my weight wedges, I had my hair curled thanks to Danielle, and my makeup done thanks to Kate.

Danielle was wearing a black fitted dress with little sparkle to it, she had her cream colored heals on, and her hair curled obviously. Kate had a flowered white dress (white at the top and flowered at the bottom.) with a cream belt, she had cork wedged and her hair straight.

All of us looked flawless in my opinion Danielle and Kate looked better.

I finished up Kate's makeup when Harry walked in. I think his eyes literally popped out of his skull.

"Uhh Kate you look beautiful!" Hs said and me and Danielle just awed.

"Thanks you look quite handsome your self." She said as they were both now blushing.

Harry walked over to Kate and kissed her... Well this is awkward. Well ok now...

Kate and Harry walked off and Niall and the rest of the boys came in. Zayn looked at me and Danielle.

"You lady's look beautiful tonight!" He said as we both thanked.

"We'll Zayn said what I was going to say so I am leaving..." Louis said and walked out....

"We'll then" I said as me and Danielle looked at each other and laughed.

Me and Danielle went to sit down when.I felt two strong arms pull me back.

"You look beautiful tonight my darling." Niall whispered into my ear which send shivers down my spine.

"Why thank you handsome man." I said as he bowed and held his hand out.

NIALL was wearing a grey suite which fitted him nicely with a white top underneath with grey bottoms and his white Nike shoes.

"Shall I have this dance." He said

"Niall there is no music." I said as music came on.

"Now there is..." He said as I looked around to see Zayn had turned on the music and winked at us.

"I'll leave you children alone." Liam said as he took Danielle's hand and Zayns shirt and walked out.

"Well that was eventful." I said as Niall grabbed my waist and we dances kinda awkwardly.

"Do you know how to dance?" I said as he shook his head and we both started to laugh.

" neither do I so it's okay." I said

"Guys come on we are leaving." Liam said as me and Niall looked at each other and well you all know...


Well this was not like our p regular kisses except the one from last night. This one was a kiss that said 'we probably won't be able to do this for a while kiss before the others know and we'll yeah our last secret kiss.' I know I know I can get a lot out of one kiss. But hay I don't even care that I am just that smart...not really.

We looked at each other, Nialls blue eyes starring at my hazel ones. I saw a little twinkle then a smile rise on his lips. As he pecked my lips again.

"I don't know if you knew that was probably out last secret kiss" he said.

Told ya!

"Yeah I know... Well we better get going." I said as he pecked me again and we walked out.

This is going to be a very interesting night of drunk Niall and Harry... Let the drunken games begin.

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