Chapter 57

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The doctor woke us up with telling me and Niall we could take her home, or back to America to finish the tour. I am kinda stressed about that topic at the moment... Will she like it? Niall said of course because little kids love attention and she would receive plenty or attention from fans, paps, and well all the crew.

"Sis when are we leaving?" She asked as I grabbed her little hand and kissed it.

"In a bit Niall has to talk to the doctor, then we'll leave" I said as she nodded focusing on Spongebob that was playing on the T.V..

"Ms. Johnson can you sign these papers" the doctor asked as I kissed Carley on the head and walked towards the doctor as Niall walked back in poking my side making me jump a bit.

"Here" the doctor said as she handed me a pen and the papers. I signed all of them as she told me it was okay for me and Niall and Carly to leave.


I told Carley as the doctor came in unhooking her and handing me some medicine for her headaches she's having.

"Thanks" I said as she smiled telling Carley bye.

We got all packed up, Niall told me that the flight would leave later today, In about 3 hours. The other band mates and the girls are already packed and ready to leave.

"So what are we going to do about my clothes" Carley asked.

Me and Niall looked at each other noticing she only had the clothes the hospital provided.


"Shall we make a stop?" Niall asked as I nodded laughing a bit. Thank god she was in London and Niall knew where a mall was.

"Here?" He asked parking as me and Carley walked out.

We walked into the mall Niall in his semi not obvious disguise. It sucks that he has to wear one because or his celebrity status but I hunk he likes being another character. Sorta?

"What about this store?" Niall pointed out to this store called Crazy 8.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Carley said jumping up and down.

"I think that's a yes?" He said looking at me laughing.

We walked into it picking a few things out, letting Carly decide on a few shirts and now knowing she likes Hello Kitty.

"I think this is good for now" I said as Niall laughed looking at me holding a pile of clothes.

"No not quite" he said walking to a table and grabbing a light pink T-shirt setting or adding it to the pile I was trying so hard not to drop onto the floor. "There now were done" he said as I laughed, Carley found it funny to as he picked her up walking me and her to the cash register.

"Will....this be all for you?" The cashier asked as I nodded chuckling a bit.

I went to pull out my wallet as I heard a ding and saw the cashier giving Niall his credit card back. I frowned as he laughed.

"I got it" he said.

"Let me at least pay you back" I said pulling out some money.

"Here" he said leaning in kissing me. "That's worth more than all the money in the world" he said causing me to blush.

"EWWWWW" I heard Carley say as the cashier laughed.

"You are very cute, and your child saying eww makes it adorable" the cashier said as me and Niall looked at each other as we chuckled a bit.

"She isn't out child" I said as Niall tapped my elbow.

"Oh I'm sorry" the cashier said handing Niall our bags.

"Thank you for shopping with us" she said as Carley waved making me laugh.

We walked out and back to the car hauling all the clothes back to the hotel we rented. The gang was all there greeting me, Niall and Carley which caused her to smile and wave.

Niall sat our buyings onto the table with a suite case he picked up at a store while we were walking out.

"Helloooooo Carley" Louis said causing her to laugh.

"Hi.... Um your funny" she said poking him in the nose.

"Why thank you" he said

I decided to sit on the counter and pack her bag since we only had a bout an hour and a half till we needed to leave. I let Carley get use to all the gang.

I watched Niall play with her on the floor watching him and her chase each other around was the cutest thing ing ht world. Harry loved her also I watched him play hide in seek with Niall and her for a while as I folded all her new clothes into the luggage.

"Babe..." I heard the Irish accent say

"Yeah" I said

"I think we're good" he said pointing to all the gang playing with her.

"I am glad she's happy. It's really easy to amuse kids nowadays you know?" I said as he laughed.

"I have a question to ask you" Niall said as all my attention went to him. "Actually two questions" he said as I looked a bit confused as I zipped up the luggage and focused on Niall. "First why did you tell the cashier that she wasn't ours? And second..." He said as I answered the first.

"Wouldn't that be lying" I said as he smiled.

"Yes but we could pretend" he said as I smiled thinking of Niall as a father... Well a father or my child. But that would never happen so.... Stop thinking!

"And second I was thinking last night after you fell asleep... When the tour is over... Umm do you and Carley want to move in with me?" He asked as I smiled widely gasping with excitement as I grabbed him into a hug.

"Of course" I said as he laughed kissing me deeply.




Sorry again....

Please keep voting and commenting please about 3-5 more chapters maybe.

As always...


-jessi xx

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