Chapter 2

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It was our first real kiss in two weeks and I was actually pretty happy about it. But soon my happiness would have to cease because I knew that my mom was gonna wanna talk to me about what really happened today. I knew that she wasn't gonna just let it slide because she knows how insecure I can be.

She came into my my room while I was in bed, getting ready to go to sleep, after I was done texting Willy, going through all my notifications, and posting a throwbackthursday picture on my instagram.

"Nicki...what happened today?" she asked softly, taking a seat at the foot of my bed. I shifted my body in frustration, not wanting to talk about it. Not wanting to remind myself of the total disgust I feel when I see him talking to them. Not wanting to remember the ugly look on Mariah and Kim's (especially Kim's) faces as I stormed off. Not wanting to remember how stupid I probably looked with my boyfriend talking to the most popular girls in school with me sitting two feet away. I exhaled slowly before sitting up to converse with my mother.

"Willy was talking to Mariah and Kim at lunch and I got angry so I stormed off and went home. I took a nap and I woke up with Willy right by my side. At first I was yelling at him but then we talked it out...i realized that he wasn't really talking to them...more like at them...he said that he'd stop though." My mom stared at me for a moment and then nodded her head slowly. She understood. She knew that something was bothering me but that I was now better. She's the best mom!!! I mean c'mon, what other mom allows their daughter to be home alone with a boy? She didn't even get mad about--

"I get it Nicki, but please stop skipping school whenever you feel upset!" she cried. I ran my fingers through my long, silky blonde hair before lying by saying that I'd stop, knowing that I'd probably get mad in the future and run out again. One time I flipped a desk before storming off. I think that some people in school refer to me as "Storm" which is actually pretty cool because that's my favorite character from X-men.

My mother kissed me on my forehead and said goodnight before exiting my room. I wasn't tired at all, not even a little. And then I realized that I forgot to do my homework. Luckily, I was wide awake. I remained in my extremely comfortable position for a few minutes before getting up to do my assignments. Willy texted me as soon as I started.

"Can't sleep" he said.

"Me neither...working on hw becuz I forgot about it :/ lol" I replied.

"Alright, txt me when ur done" he answered.

The next day was Friday, my absolute favorite day of the week. A day to feel free and let loose, just because its Friday! A day to get rid of the burdens that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday have piled on to your shoulders. A day to feel awesome. I put on a leathery, pink, sleeveless top with a fluffy pink tutu, black & pink leopard print tights, and an all black pair of adidas sneakers. I'm kinda obsessed with the color pink, especially on fridays. Roman and I call it Pink Friday. Despite all the bad memories of yesterday, I felt AWESOME.

When I arrived at school, I met up with Candice before first period and started telling her everything that happened after I stormed home. I didn't get to finish, so I told her that I'd tell her the rest at lunch. She was anxious to know but knew that we had to go to class.

The day was going by pretty quickly. Lunchtime came much faster than expected. Ahh, the magic of fridays. So Candice and I sat down at our table with our food and I began to tell her the rest of the story.

"...And then he stayed for dinner and everything was okay" I concluded.

"Giiirl, y'all are too much" Candice giggled while shaking her head at the same time.

"Tell me about it" I said while moving hair from the front of my right eye to behind my ear.

"You look cute btw" Candice said with a smile.

"Thanks girl, so do you" I said with a wink. We both laughed.

I began to shift my view, in search of Willy. I found that he was second in line for lunch. He waved at me and I waved back with a smile. It would only be a matter of seconds before he appeared across from me at our table. But before that happened, a boy from my drama club, Drake, approached Candice and I with a smirk on his face.

"Hey girls" he said with a low, soft voice.

"What???" I said rather loudly, indicating that I really couldn't hear a word he said. He seemed a little stunned by my volume and then cleared his throat and let the smirk return to his face.

"I uhh...I said hey" he said in a normal toned voice.

"Okay Drake, number one: if you're trynna flirt, just don't, because Nicki has a boyfriend way better looking than you" Candice said making super ghetto hand and head gestures. And before Drake had the chance to even think about saying something back, Candice ended his life with "and FYI we saw ya pic of Robyn with the caption 'sigh' about three weeks ago even though she's already back with Chris. Oh, and uhh...your fly is down bruh bruh, that shit ain't cute." Before he even walked away feeling more embarrassed than I did when I lost my voice on the day of the audition for this school, I burst into tears from laughter.

"Yeah, get ta steppin lighhh" Candice said with a giggle.


I saw her laughing. Probably at some corny joke he made that wasn't even that funny but she laughed anyway to make him feel better about himself. Then he walked away with his face rosier than Nicki's outfit. Alright, so she wants to flirt while I'm not looking, I can do the same. I got my lunch and walked straight over to Mariah and Kim's table.

"Hey ladies" I said smoothly.

"Hiii Willyyy" they said in unison, elongating each word.

"Wassup?" I replied, peeking over my shoulder to see if Nic was watching. She was. Mariah and Kim rambled on about who-knows-what before I said "you look cute today" and then they became louder and started arguing about who I was talking to.

"He was looking at me when he said it" Kim yelled.

"No it only looked like that because I'm sitting right next to you. Clearly, he was talking to me" Mariah said, flipping her hair.

"Yo what the hell are you serious???" Nicki screamed from behind me. I turned around to face her. I felt victorious but shocked at the same time because this was the first time in public that Nicki actually confronted and stood up to me.

"What?" I said, not really knowing what else to say.

"You promised me, Willy. You're a fucking liar!!!" she yelled. She looked extremely mad and felt betrayed. I honestly did not know what to say and I instantly felt like I was in the wrong, like there was some sort of explanation behind her laughter and Drake's rosy face. Then I remembered that Candice was with her and instantly knew what happened. Candice said something that embarrassed Drake, Nicki laughed, and Drake walked away, feeling sick as hell. I felt so stupid.

"I hate you!!!" Nicki screamed. And before I stood to calm her down and talk it out, she took my drink and poured it on my head.

"OOOOOHHHHHH!!!" everyone in the cafeteria yelled in unison.

"SICK!!!" some people yelled.

"MAD OR NAH??!!!" others screamed.

Laughter. Lots of it.

"Embarrass me, I'll embarrass you too, jerkoff" Nicki said with her eyes starting to tear up before walking out. I got up and chased after her so that I could apologize, but she disappeared due to how fast she can walk when she's mad.

I felt really dumb and she has every right to be angry with me. I just wanna talk to her and work it out because I feel like she might actually break up with me this time.

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