Chapter 4

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Well yes, its true that I'm bisexual but Willy already knew that. That isn't why we broke up. And I dumped him. Besides, I haven't kissed or done anything with a girl in ages! This bitch needs to get her facts straight....haha.

But wait, how did she know that I'm bi? The only people that knew were Robyn, Candice, and Willy. Candice and Willy definitely would have never told Kim that I'm bi. Robyn? But she's to Candice, I'd consider her a best friend. Nine times out of ten she sits with us at our lunch table. She was sitting there now. I shot her an evil glare and she looked back with an extremely confused facial expression. Maybe Kim just assumed that I was bi. I don't know. I guess I'll find out from Robyn later.

I really didn't want this to escalate into a fight so I replied in the most innocent toned voice possible.

"Listen Krimlin, you need to get your facts straight before you run up on me like that. Just because Willy's dick is the only one in this school that you haven't sucked, doesn't mean you have to take your anger out on me."

Her face went from ugly and being happy to ugly and being unimaginably enraged. She threw her Snapple bottle at my head and I fell to the ground, hitting my already injured head. I blacked out.


The second Nicki hit the floor, the entire cafeteria became a madhouse. Riot. I saw Candice punch Kim in the face at least ten times. They were on the floor, Candice obviously on top, and Mariah was trying her best to fling Candice off of Kim but Robyn was pushing her away and joining Candice in jumping Kim. I ran to Nicki who was laying down unconscious next to the cracked Snapple bottle. As I picked her up to bring her to the nurse, Mariah, who gave up on helping Kim came to help me with Nicki. Help. We all need it sometimes.

"Thank You" I said to Mariah.

"Willy, I just want you to know that I had no idea Kim was going to do that" she said with sincerity in her voice. This was the first time I have ever seen Mariah without Kim and to be honest, she seems like a different person.

"Okay, I believe you" I replied.

When we got to the nurse we told her exactly what happened and she told us that she was glad that we brought Nicki to her. Afterwards, Mariah went back to the cafeteria to help her hopeless friend. I'm sorry, but from the looks of it, I'm sure Kim is gonna need more than a trip to the nurse's office by the time Candice and Robyn (mainly Candice) are done with her. And I would have helped her too but I never break up fights between girls unless one of them were Nicki. Plus, Kim deserved it and Candice probably would have hit me too. That wouldn't have been pretty. She hits hard. I'm sure of it.

I sat down on the bench outside the nurse's office and waited for Nicki to come out.


When I woke up, I saw the ceiling of the nurse's office and felt an ice pack on my forehead. My head was throbbing. I tried my best to sit up. I was alone. I'm guessing that whoever brought me here was either outside on the bench waiting for me or just went back to class. Whichever it is, I'm just glad that someone did. I wonder who it was though. I want it to be Willy, and sure enough, it was. He walked into the room and greeted me.

"How ya feelin?" he asked.

"Good...well not" I said awkwardly.

"Better now that I'm here right?" he chuckled. I couldn't resist a smile. I knew we weren't together but we still loved each other.

"Thank you, Willy...for bringing me here...for being here" I stammered.

"You're welcome...b-but it wasn't me that brought you here..." he said shyly. I was puzzled. Who could it have been? I'm almost one hundred percent positive that Candice (and probably Robyn too) would have jumped on Kim and started beating the shit out of her.

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