Chapter 7

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Wayne wasn't really my friend. I didn't really have any friends. I never felt that I needed one. But he is one of the few people that I actually talk to and out of those people I talk to him the most. And boy, does he have a reputation. Everyone knows that all he does is drink and smoke and rap and fuck. Sometimes he skateboards. He's a loser if you ask me and even though I'm a bit worried about what he might "try" on Nicki, I'm also not because I know that she would never go for a guy like him. Besides, her and I are still working out the little dents in our relationship...that we don't have...yet...I don't know.

It was Tuesday and this morning I recieved an email from my director informing me and the rest of my Drama Club that there was gonna be rehearsal today and tomorrow from 3:00PM-8:00PM. I texted Nicki during my second period class.

"Drama today!! :) i get to see your face for a whole five hours" is what I sent to her.

I didn't get a reply. So I was gonna try to sit with her again today at lunch. Hopefully she's given up on the mind game from yesterday. As soon as my second, third, and fourth period classes were over I went to my locker to drop off my books and headed straight for the cafeteria. I tried my best to make it not look like I was in a rush even though I was.

When I got to the cafeteria I saw Nicki sit down with the usual bunch plus Mariah and this other girl with long blonde hair. I think her name is Portia or Princess or something like that. I tried to not look at them too hard so I turned away and walked up to the lunch line. After I got my food I headed for her table and the second I was about to make my entrance and greet her, this annoying ass dude named Trevor interrupted my entire train of thought. I didn't wanna make it too obvious that I was aiming for her table because Trevor just ruined everything so I tried to smoothly walk it off by completely changing direction.

While passing her table on the other side I heard what Trevor was saying.

"So I heard you like wonder you're always chilling with Candice!" he joked.

"Can you fuck off?" Nicki said calmly.

"Fine, fine. I'll just leave...."

He said a few more slick words but I couldn't really hear anymore because I was out of the "overhearing range" of the table. Man that dude is annoying! I wonder what he said. When I sat down and looked at Nicki, I noticed that her jaw was dropped and her eyes were HUGE! And Robyn had the "oh-no-he-di-int" face on. Oh yeah. He definitely said some disrespectful shit. I had to figure out what it was. So I started to walk back over to her table but then I was interrupted. Again. But this time by Wayne, who had tripped Trevor and made him fall flat on his face, causing a scene and creating an uproar of laughter. Trevor's tray came flying straight for me and I had no time to dodge it. Once his food splattered all over my face and shirt, the laughter just grew louder.


I left the scene and went to the bathroom to clean myself up. I lost my appetite so after I went to my locker to get a new shirt I decided to spend the rest of my lunch period in the library. I picked up a few books on acting and figured that I may as well flip through the pages a few times.

Just when I started to actually gain interest in what I was reading, a shady character walked by me and left a mysterious little folded piece of paper directly in front of me. I looked back as soon as I could to see who it was but there was no sign of anyone. But I kinda got a glimpse of the hand. It had to be a girl because of the nails. I don't remember what color they were or what design they had but they were definitely manicured female nails. I was actually pretty scared of what was on the note. This was weird, but it was also pretty intense. I kinda felt like I was in a movie for a second. I picked up the note and slowly unfolded it. All it said was "I know all about it."

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