Here I Go 2

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"Dance with me." Bella said grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. I got up ready to just have fun. At that point the song changed to 'Victoria Justice all I want is everything'. Bella's favorite song. I laughed as her mouth fell open. "Oh my God! Come on." She said.

We walked to the dance floor and I had to back up a few steps because let me tell you, Bella is a bad dancer. Her hair was everywhere. She was stepping on people’s feet. She looked so funny. I laughed and started to do what she was doing. I wasn't going to let her look like a fool by herself. The other girls joined and everybody moved out the way.

I think that was I smart idea because if not somebody was going to get hit in the face. After a few more songs it came to the part where I had to sing again. I walked on stage. This time I wasn't freaking out. I was glad to be on stage. I just wanted to sing all day.

The band started to play and I started to sing my heart out to my best friend whose birthday was today. I started to sing, 'Paramore that's what you get'. Everybody jump on their feet and started to dance. I felt free. I felt like I was something.

People think that I would never make it. That I being a famous singer is just a dream. I was told to believe. And I will.

After the party the girls and I went to Torrey's house for a sleepover. Torrey’s house was pretty big. I've been staying at this house almost every weekend since I was 3 when Torrey had a sleepover.

"Let’s go night swimming." Victoria said. We all looked at her and then at Torrey.

"Okay. I'm up for it." I said. Bella stood on her feet and nodded.

"I like the sound of that."


"Bella," I said. "Stop doing that." The girls and I laughed at Bella who was dancing badly in the middle of the street.

"I'm sexy." Victoria said out of nowhere. Bella stopped and turned to face her as did everybody else did. "What? I am."

We all laughed at Victoria who had the biggest ego out of all of us. I mean I knew I was pretty but I didn't say it all the time like Victoria. That's one reason I'm friends with her. She doesn't care what people think of her. She says what she thinks and specks her mind. I wouldn't be able to do that.

When I came face to face with the river, I took off my shoes and walked in. A smile forming on my face. "This feels good." I said.

"It does." Bella said going all the way in. Torrey splashed Victoria who was still standing on dry land.

"That’s cold." Victoria yelled covering her face. "I want to walk in slowly until I get use to the water then you can wet me." She said pointing at the water. "It’s dark." She said looking around.

"The only light we have is the moon." Bella said looking up.

"Can I join you guys?" All of our heads turned to a grinning Jayden.

"Who are you?" Victoria asked rolling her eyes putting her hands on her hips.

"I'm the new kid, Jayden." Jayden said. He looked at me and smiled making me blush like if he just seen me nude or something. "Hello, Olivia."

"You know this sexy guy?" Torrey said shocked. I nodded biting my lip from smiling. Only Torrey.

"Yeah. I was out here playing my guitar and he came out of nowhere." I said shaking my head.

"You can't come in here." Bella said buffing out her checks. "We're nude." We all started to laugh at Jayden. His eyes widen and his mouth fell open. "Just kidding."

"You didn't really think we'd be nude. Did you?" I asked amused.

Jayden opened his mouth then closed it then opened it again. "Whatever." He went behind the big rock and climbed it. "I'm going to jump." I said.

Victoria put her hand to her heart and shook her head. "I know you love me, but you have to let me go. Don't kill yourself because of me."

"Haha." Jayden said rolling his eyes. I moved out the way and then jumped in wetting Victoria.

"That’s cold." She yelled. Everybody laughed as she tried to run in water to get to Jayden. "You'll pay for this!"

I splashed Jayden and Victoria and they turned to face me. "Oh you're going down." Jayden said.

"Bring it on new boy." I said.


I got out flipping my hair out of my face and grabbing my shoes. "So I had fun." Jayden said turning to look at us. "Maybe we can do it again."

"You just want to see us half nude." Bella said rolling her eyes. I smirked and poked Jayden.

"Maybe." I said. The girls and I got our stuff and made our way home. "I want cookies."

"We should make some." Torrey said. "I have chip, M&Ms and butter. What do we cook?" She asked.

"I say all." Victoria said licking her lips. "I love M&Ms. they’re my favorites. Once I bought a box of them and I yelled at my dad because he took one of them. He called me fat. But I just really like them. They’re really good."

"I remember when we got you a big cake size one for your birthday you took it to your room and locked yourself in there and didn't come out until you were done." Torrey said shaking her head.

"Oh my God!" I started. "I remember that day. We were like 10 years old. Even then Victoria was a food loving girl." Shaking my head I open the front door and walk into the kitchen.

"Shut up." Victoria said. "I like cookies so what?"

"I still don't know how you’re not fat." I said.

"Magic." She said grabbing the bag of chips Torrey's mom got us. Torrey got out everything we needed and I did the butter.

We sat at the table talking while the cookies cooked and the phone rang. "Hello?" Torrey said. We all looked at each other then back at her. "No I don't know who an Umbrella is. That's a stupid name don't you think?" She said into the phone. "I don't care. Stop calling my house you call everyday at this time. Stop it1" She snapped. She hung up and took a deep breath and smiled.

"Who was that?" Bella asked getting up to check the cookies.

"I don't know." She said shaking her head and sitting. "Some old guy that keeps calling for Umbrella."

"Who's Umbrella?" I asked amused.

Torrey smile. "I don't kno---"

"Um guys?" Bella said. "We burned the cookies."


So my school messed up my classes. Good thing is Sunday. Time to go out and hang out. Hope you guys like this chapter.

Thank you for reading. :)

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