Here I Go 7

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 Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.

"Stop!" I yelled at Jayden who was on top of me. "I can't breathe." I said through laughter. Jayden and I started hanging out more. And I liked it. I liked being around him. He made me feel... better. 

"Come on. Man up." Jayden said amused. He grabbed my side moving his fingers really fast.

"Stop. Tickling. Me" I said out of breath. "I need to breathe." He stopped tickling me and laid next to me. I closed my eyes and smiled taking deep breaths.

The sun was higher today than any other day. But it was soon getting dark. The sound of the water moving, the birds singing, the wind whispering in my ear, it was all so magical. I opened my eyes and watched the sun set. It was so beautiful.

                "You know, I never really seen the sun set." Jayden mumbled.

 I gasped. "How having you never seen a sun set?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I lived in the city, There’s sun set's there but not as beautiful as these. And even than I still didn't see one. You see, I never really went out that much after my mother died." He turned to look at me. "The only sun set I told myself I'd ever see was the sun set my mom used to paint."

"Your mom was a painter?" I asked. He nodded.

"And not just a painter, she was an artist. In every way. Her dancing was smooth and sweet. She moved like the water slowly flowing. Her singing was light and magical. Like an angle. She’s my angle. Her paintings brought everything to life."

He stopped and closed his eyes. "Her paintings made things that didn't matter, matter. Her beauty was the beauty any woman would kill for." A tear fell from his eye. "I miss her every day."

 I got closer to him and whipped the tear away. "I wish I could have met her." I whispered.

"Me too. She would have loved you."


"Yeah," Jayden sat up. "She reminds me of you." He pushed my hair out my face. "You’re beautiful, talented, funny, and smart." He looked out at the water and then laid back down. "You guys would have gotten along."

 I laid down with him and smiled. "You think I'm beautiful?" I couldn't help but blush.

 "Yes." His hand made its way to mine. We laid there watching the sun set and holding hands. It was the greatest night of my life. It soon hit night time. The stars came out and the moon was high and full.

 "I should be heading home." I whispered. But the funny thing was, I didn't want t leave. I wanted to stay right there. And hold his hand forever. I don't know what these feelings are. I never felt them before. I never had a moment like this. I never felt so free and myself.

But with Jayden, it was like if anything could happen. "I'll walk you home." He pulled me up to my feet and put his jacket over me.

 "Thank you." I whispered. The night was quite. No sound was heard. We made our way back to my house in a slow pace. I was in no rush getting home.

 "I had fun today." Jayden said.

 "I did too." We got to my front door and we stopped walking.

 "Goodnight." Jayden said, putting his hands in his pockets. I took off his jacket and was about to hand it over to him when he stopped me. "Keep it for now. Give it back to me when you see me."

 "Okay." I put it back on and smiled. "Goodnight." I was started walking up the steps and he grabbed my hand.

 "Wait," He mumbled. I stopped and turned to face him. He got on the steps I was on and pushed my hair back, cupping my face. "Is it wrong if I kissed you right now?"

 My breath got stuck. I couldn't breathe or speak. I shook my head. A smile made its way to his face. He got closer and that’s when our lips meet. The kiss was soft, and long. The kind of kiss that was right out of a romance movie.

                We pulled apart when we heard my house door open. "Sweetie, it's getting late. Maybe you should say your goodnights." My mom said.

 I was in such a good mood not even she could mess it up for me. "Goodnight." I whispered.



 Didn't reread so there’s going to be A LOT of mistakes.

I know it's short but at least I uploaded. I haven't uploaded this story for a while now. Hope you liked it. Don’t forget to vote, comment, and fan.

 Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.


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