Here I Go 8

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 Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.

"Ahh," I yelled as Jayden threw paint on me. My mom wanted me and Jayden to paint the wood in the backyard for the big party she was going to throw for her job.

I dipped my brush into paint and threw paint on Jayden. It splashed all over his shirt making it brown. "Oh, it’s on!" He said with a smirk. He picked me up and spin me around. I picked up a bucket of pain and put it on his head. He let me go and I started to run away.

"Bring it!" I said. We both stopped suddenly, waiting for the next move. Our paint brushes tight in our hands, the buckets next to us. I dipped my paint brush into the bucket and we started running to each other. My paint brush met the side of his face while his met my hair. We both looked at each other and started to laugh.

"You still look beautiful." He said making me blush. I brushed off the paint on his lips and kissed him slowly.

"Kids!" My mom yelled making us jump.

"Yes mom?"

"I'm going out." She said now standing at the door. She was wearing a tight black dress and her hair was in curls. I rolled my eyes. She was going on a date. It’s been a few months now since I've meet Jayden, and he even knew my mom should just get back with my dad.

She’s been going out a lot since Jayden moved into town. I don't know why, but every time she gets happier and sexier when she goes out. 

I looked at Jayden and grabbed my paint brush off the floor. He already knew what I was thinking so we didn't say another word and got back to painting. 

A few minutes later I sat down on the grass. "Let’s stop for today I'm getting tired." 

"Okay" He sat next to me and started playing with the grass.

"How’s your dad like?" I asked.

"He’s always out. I don’t see him that much. If he’s not working he’s on a date. Sometimes I hear him with his date in his rooms. It’s disgusting. I just leave the house and go sit by the lake.

I looked at Jayden then moved closer to him. "That sucks." 

He lowered his head. "I know." 

"Hey hey hey." Said Bella walking in.

"Hey." We said.

"What are you guys doing on this loving afternoon?" She asked. She sat in front of us and took food out the bag she was carrying. "I brought food." She held it up.

We started eating while she told us a story that happened to her today. I wasn't really paying her any mind. My mind was somewhere else. I don't understand my mom. That’s why we had a lot of fights. 

We never had a real moment. And when we're not fighting we're giving each other looks. 

And soon she was going to leave me like she left my dad. 


  Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.

Sorry I haven't been on that much. I've been doing my school work and my art. I'm trying to enter a art gallery so wish me luck. Anyways, I will be uploading for now on. I have more free time now on my hands so make sure to keep up dated. 

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