Here I Go 6

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 Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.

 Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.

 Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.

When I got back home my mom didn't even bother looking at me. She was sitting by the phone reading a book. Every 2 minutes she would look up at the phone as if waiting for a call. 

I walked up to my room dropping my bag next to my bed. I heard the phone ringing through my room. I picked up the phone in my room that connected to the one downstairs. "Haha," My mom laughed. "No, no. I'd love to go out with you." 

My eyes widened and I dropped my phone. "What?" I asked myself. My mom ran up the steps and to her room. Wow, she's excited. I followed her to her room and stood at the door. 

She was looking in her closet picking out different kind of dresses. "You're getting all dressed up." I pointed out. She didn't answer or even looked up. "Going out?" 

She sighed and dropped her dress on the bed. She turned to face me and nodded. "Yes, I'm going on a date. I thought you already knew that since you were on the other line." 

"What about dad?" I asked. "Did you even care about him at all?" I yelled. She looked at me, shocked by my words.

"Of course I did! Don't ever ask me that aga--"

"Well you don't act like it. You act like you never loved him!" I yelled over here.


I shook my head. "Don't lie." I slammed her bedroom door and went to mines. I grabbed my bathing suit. 

I laid on my bed. When did everything go wrong? I used to be so close to my mom. Now we fight every day. I missed my mom. 

The door bell ranged but I didn't feel like getting up. I ranged three more times until it stopped. My bed room door opened and Torrey and Bella walked in. "Hey girlie." Torrey said.

Bella laid next to me with her feet hanging of my bed. "What's wrong?" She mumbled.

"My mom's going on a date." 

Torrey gasped. "Are you okay with that?" She asked. But she knew I wasn't. "Talk to your mom."

"I did. We started arguing." I sat up. "You know, I don't get it. We used to be so close. I don't know why we are breaking apart." Bella and Torrey hugged me at once. "Since I was 4, all I heard was them fighting. My mom started losing all trust on me and my dad. And I don't know what I did wrong." 

Bella's shirt was damp and hot from my tears. It made me want to cry even more. Torrey took out her phone and dialed Victoria. "Come over Olivia's house." She said. She walked out the room leaving the door cracked opened. 

"Don't worry, Olivia, your mom will come around." Bella said. 

I shook my head. "I doubted it." 

The girls forced me to go and watch a movie in the living room. They said it will get my mind off things, but it wasn't. My mom stopped in the door way of the living room all dressed up and in heels.

"I'll be home late, so don't wait up." A car horn filled my ears. I looked at the girls and down at my slippers. 

The car drove off with my mom in it. The guy didn't even bother coming inside first. "Don't worry Victoria's on her way." Bella said.

"When is she? She's got the candy!" Torrey said in a grumpy tone. A smile made its ay to my face. It was a small one.

Victoria walked in holding up a bag full of candy. "I'm here!" She shouted. 

"I am two." We all exchanged looks. Victoria laughed.

"Did I forget to tell you Jayden was coming two?" She asked. "I seen him at the store and just asked him if he wanted to come. Besides I thought it'd make someone happy." Victoria winked at me. I looked away my face turning red. 

"Hi." Jayden said stepping into view. "What movie are we going to watch?"

"We don't know yet." Bella mumbled.

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