Here I Go 4

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Sorry for the late chapter everyone. Happy reading and remember to vote and to comment. And if you haven't already, don't forget to fan. :)

  Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.


          I woke to the smell of bacon and eggs. I walked into the kitchen were my dad was cooking. "Good Morning." He said happily. I frowned. Why was he so happy? Don't get me wrong; I love seeing him happy. But he never was. He would always try to smile but it wouldn't match his eyes; today they did. "How did you sleep, beautiful?" 

He gave me a plate of food and sat next to me. "Good." I stuck bacon into my mouth and the taste danced around in my mouth. "So good." I said shaking my head. I looked at my dad and seen him smiling. "What are you so happy about?" Seeing him like this made me smile to. It's nice seeing him happy and not so down wishing he could go back to the old days. 

"It's just nice having you here." I didn't buy it. I come over sometimes and he was never like this. I shook my head and gave him an 'I don't believe it' look. He smiled even more. "Fine. I'm happy because I got you something you’re going to love." He got up and stood by the back door that led to the backyard. "You ready?" 

 I got up and stood by him. "What is----" When I was in the middle of asking he opened the door and my eyes landed on a piano. "Oh my gosh!" I said wide eye. It was the one I've always wanted. Those big ones that were really hard to carry. The ones that coasted so much money. "How did you get this?" I asked. 

"A friend helped me out." He said. I raped my arms around him so pulled him close. 

"Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!" I said jumping. "You’re the best dad." 

I was still laughing when my dad said, "Try it out." I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me. I and my dad had a song he used to play for me when I was little. He would put me to sleep and tuck me in. He sat next to me and I started to play our song. I knew it would make him even happier. 

He hummed it with me as I played on the piano. We heard the back door open and e turned to look. I stop playing as I turned confused. "So I see you've showed her." Her voice was light and sweet. She had long blackish hair that passed her hip. She was wearing a tight dress that showed of her body and legs. Her eyes were bright blue and big. She looked like a Barbie. She was so pretty. 

"Hello." She said smiling at me. My dad got up and walked up to her, so I followed.

"Hi." I said when I got closer. She brought her hand out for me to shake so I took it.

"I'm Jasmine." Her name was even pretty. She would be a model. 

"I'm ----" 

"I know who you are." She said smiling. "Your dad has told me so much about you. I couldn't wait to meet you." Funny, he didn't tell me anything about you. "You are so pretty." She stopped and looked at my dad. "You are lucky." My dad smiled and patted my head.

"Specking of lucky," my dad said. "Where’s the lucky guy?" I looked at her then back at my dad then to the floor. I saw a shadow walking my way so I looked up to see who it was. He was tall and husky. He had brown light eyes with amazing check bones. He raped his arms around Jasmine and kissed her on the check. 

"This is my boyfriend, Connor." Jasmine said. My dad, Jasmine and Connor started talking so I went back to playing the piano. 

Went back to my own little world. I started fooling around at first. But then I started playing a slow song I learned in middle school. I forgot the name of it. I don't know how that happened. But it did. I felt like it was just me there. Nobody else. I almost forgot that there were people trying to talk and with all this noise how could they hear? I stopped playing and gave my dad a shy smile. "Sorry." 

"For what?" Connor asked; shock written all over his face. "You’re really good. Do you play a lot?" 

I shook my head. "No. I usually sing. I do play sometimes but that’s because I didn't have a piano so I had to use my best friends." Connor nodded. Jasmine whispered something to my dad and my dad nodded. 

"Well it was so nice meeting you." Jasmine said waving. Connor waved also and they gave my dad a hug and left. 

"Who was that?" I asked my dad when he sat back down next to me. 

"I use to work with her. Her and your mother use to cheerlead together." My mouth fell open. I never knew my mother cheerlead. It was so new to me. I didn't even know she danced. She was shy to even speak in front of someone. And to find out that she used to cheerlead. 

"Mom was a cheer leader?" I asked. He laughed and nodded.

"Shocking isn't it? Your mom wasn't always shy. She liked going to parties and having fun. Matter of fact she was kind of wiled. To wiled if you ask me. But that’s one of the reasons I fell in love with your mother. She didn't care what anybody said about her. She was nice, smart funny, outgoing. She was everything I wasn't. I was boring, scared to do anything wiled like skip, I was nice but she just had this thing to her. You know. But as time went by I started to loosen up."

He stopped and looked at the piano like if he was looking at the past and reliving it. "Maybe that’s why she left. Maybe I wasn't to fun. Maybe she wanted freedom and I was just holding her back." 

That got me mad. "No!" I said. "You are fun. You weren’t holding her back. She left because she was scared. She doesn't want to admit it but it’s true. You were good to her. And I know she knows she made a big mistake leaving you. And you know what els----" 

"Sweetie." My dad said.  

I got to my feet and shock my head. "No! You have to listen to me. Stop sitting around dad. Fight for her love. You can win her back. The old her isn't all the way gone. You still have time. You just have to believe. Don't you believe in love? Don't you believe in happy endings? Dad go get your happy ending and stop sobbing of what could have been. Because of what could been can still happen. You just have to believe." 

Let me tell you. I felt like Dr. Phill. I felt strong and powerful. I wanted my dad to fight for his happiness. Fight for his love. And I'm not stupid. I know my mom never stopped loving my father. She may act like she doesn't care but she knows deep down inside she does. She cares too much to let him go so he could find someone better. But what my mom doesn't get is that there isn't anyone better. There’s nobody better than her in his life. 

I wish she'd just realize that.

My dad nodded and stood to. "Your right. I've shouldn't just sit around when I could fight for my true love. I can do this." He said fixing his shirt. "I can do this." He said again. And we both knew he could. And I was going to make sure I was.


  Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.

So yeah it's short but I have to go study for my test tomorrow. Thank you for taking your time out to read this. It means alot to me. :)

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