Here I Go 15

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The rehearsal dinner was just a few hours away. I sat around with the girls since we were the only ones ready. “Yay, food.” Torrey said clapping her hands.

“Are you going to sing with your band at the wedding?” Bella asked me.

I shook my head. “I haven’t sang with my band all summer. The last time was the party.”

“Damn, that sucks. Why haven’t you?” Victoria

“Because one of the guys went of a trip with his family. And when he came back we were already having ‘the’ problem and I wasn’t up to play.”

Torrey nodded. “Understandable.”

“I can’t wait for dinner. I’m hungry.” I said.

“Me too.” Bella said.

“So tomorrows the wedding…” Victoria said all awkward.

We all frowned. I had to do something. But I couldn’t. This was just all to much. It wasn’t fair at all. But there was nothing I could possibly do. I had to say nothing. I had to play my part in this wedding.

I played with my nails and tried to smile. I knew I had to do something... but I couldn't do nothing. Jayden was in his car. Not knowing we were outside. I didn't know why, but I coudln't go through with this.

And if I didn't, I knew my mom would hate me.

I got up and walked over to the car. I knocked on the window. Jayden rolled down the window and smiled. "Hey."

"Hi, can you give me and the girls a ride to the dinner? I don't have gas." I lied. I had gas. But I wanted to go with him.

"Sure. Im about to leave so."

I turned around to the girls and yelled for them to come. We all got in the car. I sat at front next Jayden. My heart picking up. I tried playing it off.

He leand forward his hand brushing past mine. He slide in a CD and pressed play. I rolled down my window and tried to look busy looking out. What did I just get myself into.

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