Here I Go 5

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 Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.

"Dad?" I asked walking into the living room. His head snapped up and he smiled. The TV was on but he wasn't watching it. He was writing something down. I couldn't see what though. I sat down next to him and watched him as he wrote down words. 

"Yes, sweetie?" He said. He looked at me again and dropped his pen. 

"I got to ask you something." I started. I didn't know how to keep going. I didn't know how to ask it or how he would feel. "Who was the first girl you've ever fell in love with?" I asked. His face fell and he tried to smile but it failed. 

"Your mom." He said, in a sad tone. I lowered my head for making him remember. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to know.

"Who was the first girl you've ever went out with?" I asked. His faced changed into something I never seen on his face. He grinned and shook his head. 

"Her name was Holly Cruz." He started. "She was the girl everybody hated. She was one of those shy girls. The ones that kept to herself. She was sacred of trust. She was scared of me at first. She was scared I was going to hurt her. And I wasn't. But she ended up hurting me instead." He lowered his head. 

"And that's how I started talking to your mother. After the fight Holly and I head in the school hallways your mom felt bad and tried to make me feel better. We didn't know somebody was in the hallway listing to us. But it turned out your mom was. And me and your mom fell in love." 

He went back to writing and I didn't say anything else. "Anyways, what would you like to do after I'm done here?" He asked smiling again. And this time a happy smile. 

"Uh, I don't know. Go to lunch or something?" I asked. I didn't care what my dad and me did. All that matter to me was that we were spending time together. Something a lot of kids don't get to do. Some dads don't give a hell about their kids. But I was lucky for having a dad that did care. And understood what my mom didn't.

My dad was my best friend. He really was. I was closer to him than I was with my mom. Which is crazy because I see my mom more and I live with her. But my mom is always in a bad mood. I can't stand it. She'll be out of control sometimes that I just feel like slapping her just to shut her up. 

When my dad was done, he went up to his room to get his car keys. I was waiting outside next to the car. My dad’s car wasn't the coolest but it was still a car. I didn't care for new cars. I didn't see the point in them. If the car got me to places than I'd take it. It didn't matter how it looked like to me.

When my dad came out he unlocked the car and we got in. "I know the perfect place to have lunch at." He said happily. I laughed and shock my head.

"Where?" I asked. 

"You'll see." Was all he said.

 Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.

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