Here I Go 12

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                     I walked into the kitchen where my mom and Jayden sat eating. “Good morning.” He said happily.

                “Good morning” I smiled. I grabbed a apple from the table and looked at the time. In five minutes Bella will be knocking on my front door.

                “Me and Jack got great news.” My mom said.    

                Jack walked in fixing his hair. “Great, everybody’s here.” Jack said.

                “Not for long. Make this fast, I have to go soon.” I said.

                “Oliva!” My mom narrowed her eyes.

                “She’s right.” Jack said. “We can’t have them waiting.”

                “Okay fine,” My mom said. “Me and Jack are—“ She stopped and grabbed his hand. “We’re getting married.”

                I dropped my apple and I felt my jaw drop to hit the floor.

                “The hell you are!” Jayden yelled.

                “Jayden!” Jack said shocked. “We’re getting married and that’s the end of it.”

            “When?” I asked.

            Nobody said anything for a while until my mom said, “Next month.”

                I grabbed my bag and walked out. This time I was too shocked to fight back. I was speechless with the news I didn’t know what to say. I ran down the street and stopped in the middle of the street.    

            Jayden ran up behind me, standing two feet away from me. “We can’t fight this.” Jayden said.

            I didn’t bother looking back at him. We both knew this relationship was over. I couldn’t fight this. We couldn’t fight this. “I know.” I whispered, looking at the ground. “I guess…..” I mumbled. “I guess this is over.” I turned around to see his face, but it was blank.

            He licked his lips and nodded. “I guess it is.” He said.

            “Welcome into the family.” I said forcing a smile. I grabbed my bag off the floor and walked away down the street. I made my way down the street and texted the news to Bella and all my friends.   

            My dad opened up his door, trying to stay calm. “You heard?” He mumbled. He pulled me into a hug and I hide my face in his shirt.

            And that night I didn’t want to talk to anyone. For the fact that I lost Jayden and my dad was more upset than ever. I didn’t understand why mom would do this… Do this to us. But all I could do was be happy for her. All I could do was hide my pain and sorrow behind a fake smile.

            Pretty soon I will have to go with my mom to help her pick out dresses. Pretty soon I will see her walk into the arms of the father of my love. Pretty soon, this would all be official. And pretty soon, Jayden will be my step brother.

            “You can still date you’re step brother. You guys aren’t blood.” Torrey said…

            Torrey, Bella and I where on the webcam trying to come up with ways to stop this mess. But nothing seemed good enough. “Ew, Torrey! That’s nasty.” Bella said giving her a shocked look.

            “What? “ Torrey asked. “I’m just trying to help!” She said rolling her eyes.

            I shook my head and lowered it. “Look, thank you guys a lot. For trying to cheer me up. But clearly it isn’t working. So, I’m just going to bed.” I said.

            “ask your dad if I can sleepover.” Bella said.

            “Dad!” I yelled from my room.         

            He opened the door and the smell of food came in. “Yes sweetie?”

            “Can Bella sleepover?” I asked.

            “Sure.” He said. He looked at the webcam and shook his head. He walked over to my bed and popped his head into the webcam.

            “Hey!” The girls cheered.

            “Hey girls.” My dad said. “Bella I hope you don’t mind pizza.” My dad said smirking, knowing that it was Bella’s favorite food.

            “When do I ever mind?” Bella asked excited.

            My dad laughed and shook his head. “See you soon.” He said. “Bye Tore.” He walked out my room closing the door slowly behind him.

            “Yay!” Bella cheered getting out of bed. “I’m going to pack now.”

            “Lucky!” Torrey said. “I’m stuck in England for another three weeks.”

            “Why are you complaining?“ I asked. “I would love to be at England right now.”

            Torrey shook her head and looked at her bedroom door. “I got to go. I’ll see you girls soon.” She said blowing us air kisses.

            “Bye.” Me and Bella said together.

            “I’m getting off the webcam and leaving the house right now.” Bella said grabbing her keys and leaning into the computer scream.

            “Okay. See you soon.”

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