Here I Go 3

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 Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.

Read on and tell me what was the fakest thing a friends ever done to you.


  Few weeks has passed since Torrey's party. The water of the river was warm because of the sun. I smiled when the water met my face and went under.

I enjoyed swimming. It remained me of my father. We'd come here every day and swim until my mother called us for dinner. My life was pretty good until my mom felt the need to cut if off with my father.

                She felt like there was something missing in her life and she wanted to go find it without him. My dad tried to fight for me. But my mom won at the end.

I didn't like how my life was from that day on. My dad was a big part of me. I couldn't let him go even if I tried.

                My dad called this morning and said he was going to pick me up tonight so I could spend the night at his house. I was glad he still called and came to see me.

Most dads won’t even care. My dad was tall with bright blue eyes that reminded you of the sea. His smile was to die for. My mom fell in love with it as a teenager. But I still don't know why my mother left him. They've been together since they were 16.

                They were so in love and she just let him go. I think my mother’s really stupid for watching him go and letting him. But what’s even more stupid is that she made him go.

My dad is still in love with my mother. He'll always will be. You only find true love once. And if you find it again then the first one wasn't love at all or the second one is all in your head. I've never been in love. I knew better.

                I've seen the look on my father’s face when he was walking out that door and I didn't want to see myself that way. It hurt. Not just because you’re losing somebody you love but because you’re losing everything you've worked for.

                I got out and grabbed my phone and checked the time. "Shit!" I mumbled. It was almost five. One more hour until my dad would be here and I still haven't even packed. I grabbed my stuff and started running. I dropped my ring and stopped to look for it. The problem was that it fell in the bushes. "Shit shit shit shit!!" I yelled. I dropped my stuff on a rock and got on my knees. I moved the sticks and stuff around but couldn't see it.

                "What are you doing?" Asked Jayden with an amused smile on his face. "I heard someone yell 'shit'." He sat down next to me and started playing with the grass.

                "I lost my ring my dad gave me when I was two." The ring was big for me then so I had to put in on a chain. That ring meant everything to me.

"Here let me see." He said. I moved over and he stuck his hands in the bush.

"Do you feel it?" I asked biting my lip.

                "I feel something. I think I got it." He pulled out his hands with my ring. I grabbed as fast as I could and hugged him.

"Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU." I said. "You rock." I grabbed my stuff and got to my feet.

"Can I get something in return?" He asked amused. "Maybe on a date tomorrow night?"

I smiled. "Sure thing. Got to go pack. Going to my dad’s house tonight see you tomorrow."

                I ran back to the house as fast as I could didn't even bother to tell my mom I was home or that I was going to dads. I went up to my room and grabbed one bag. It was five o'clock.

He would be here in any second. I grabbed two of my favorite shirts, and pants, my boots, tooth brush, hair brush, bar and under wear, socks and some other things. My phone started ringing making me jump in shock.

                "Hey dad." I said into the phone. When my mom heard 'dad' she stop next to my door and looked at me then the bags.

Are you ready? I'm outside.

"Okay. On my way out." I hung up and smiled. "Hey mom."

"When were you going to tell me you were going to your fathers?" She asked pointing at the bags. "I have the rights to know." She yelled.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bags. "You already know. Bye now."

                "Where do you think you’re going?" She asked grabbing my hand. Her face was hard and full of hate. That’s one thing that changed about my mother. She gets mad at me more then when my dad was here. It’s like I can't do anything right. It hurt.

                "Home." I saw that hit her. Her eyes got red and watery. I didn't like seeing her that way. I kind of felt sorry. Well not kind of, I did feel sorry. "I'm sorry mom."

                She nodded. "It's okay. You should go. You're dads waiting." I nodded and licked my lips. It was hard to stay made at her when she was so hurt. But I couldn't help but to think she brought it on her own.

                I opened the front door and walked up to the black BMW that was right in front of me. When I got in the car my dad smiled. "There’s my little girl." He said. "You look beautiful."

I rolled my eyes. "It's only been four days dad."

                "Four days too many." He said. "So how’s your mother?" He asked like he always did. I felt so bad for him that he couldn't be happy. Don't get me wrong. He was happy.

But he wasn't as happy as he was with my mom. I know he knew she was okay. But would always ask anyway.

                "She’s good." I said. I rolled down the window and watched the trees pass by. "She was upset that I didn't tell her I was coming, but she’s okay now."

                The ride to my dad’s house was an hour and ten minutes. His house was small but it was very much like home. It was white and it was a one floor. The back yard had its own built in pool that my dad never used only days when I was there.

He had a dog named Milky. Because he was white as milk. That dog was the sweetest and I was glad my dad had him so he wasn't so alone.

                Knowing me I wouldn't want to be alone either. I and my dad were so much alike. That’s one of the things my mom hated so much. 

My dad had his own band as a teenager but he backed down when he found out my mom was going to have me. He went out to find a real job. But what he didn't know back then was that music is a real job.

                My mom had me when she was 17. She was young and her and my father had to work really hard because my mother family wasn't talking to her. But when I was born they came around.

They weren’t going to let anything keep them away from me. My dad’s side of the family helped out a lot. Even though they didn't like the idea of having a baby at 17 them still helped out.

                My mother’s child hood was rough. But I believe my dad made it better. And for her to just make him leave. That was the biggest mistake she could have ever done.


Its short I know. But I hope you liked it.

 Didn't reread so there’s going to be A LOT of mistakes.

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