Here I Go 9

98 16 2

            Didn't reread so theres going to be A LOT of mistakes.

Bella started to jump on my bed once I told her me and Jayden made it official. "Get out! Really? Oh my God. That is so cute. I knew you guys had a thing for each other, it's about damn time." I laughed at her as she screamed. "Ahh!"

"Okay, calm down. You’re going to wake up the block." I said. Bella stopped jumping and went to fix her hair. Then all of a sudden, it looked like a light went off in her head. 

"Double date!!" She yelled. "That's perfect. You and Jayden. Me and Nash." 

"Uh, sure." I said. "So what did your mom say?" I asked.

"About what?" She said putting on lipstick.

"You sleeping over...." I said joining her.

“She said yes, like she always says. Trust me. She be dying for me to just get out of the house." I laughed. 

"Hey help me pick out an outfit for tonight." Me and Bella were planning to go to the movies tonight and just have a girl moment. Torrey and Victoria both had to babysit, which sucked butt. But me and Bella were going to make the best of it.

           "This will look so cute with these shoes." Bella said.

I rolled my eyes. "Bella, we're going to the movies, not to a fancy dinner." I said smiling.

"True. How about these shorts, with this blouse, and these cute flats?" She started putting out        everything she thought was cute.

"Hm," I said looking at the clothes at laid on my bed. "I'll go with this skirt, this top, and these flats."

"That's cute to." Bella nodded. Bella went back to doing her makeup and I started to get dressed. "Hey, what does it mean when a guy keeps bring up kids?" 

I dropped everything I was doing and turned to look at Bella. "Don't tell me your--"

“NO!!" Bella yelled, shocked.

"Okay good." I said getting back to what I was doing.

"It's just...” Bella said putting down the eye liner to look at me. "Every time we talk, he brings up kids. We could be talking about the weekend and he'd be like, 'I just seen the cutest kid.'" She said biting her lip.

“Well, maybe he just likes kids." I said putting on my shoes.

She nodded. "See, that's what I thought. But then, he said 'How do you think our babies will look like'" 

I sat down. "Hmm, maybe he wants to start a life with you. I mean, you guys have been dating since six grade. You’re in 12th now. Maybe he's ready for the next step, you know, kids, marriage, living together." 

"We never even had sex though, it's weird." She said.

"I know, but have you guys talked about it. About taking the relationship to the next level?" 

           She nodded. "But I don't think I'm ready."

I nodded, "Well tell him that. I'm pretty sure he'd be cool with it. Nash doesn't look like the type that will make you do something you don't want to do." 

"He isn't. But we're getting older now; he's not going to wait forever. And I don't want to lose him because I'm not ready."

I took her hand. "If he really loves you, which he does, he wouldn't leave over something so silly. He loves you Bella. Trust me; he'll wait until you’re ready." 

She looked at her phone and nodded. "Thanks. Now let’s go before it gets too late."

"Night swimming later?" I asked as we walked out my room. 

Bella nodded, "Deff." 

Once we got to the movies, we got our food. "Isn't that your mom?" Bella said poking me on the side. "It is her." 

"What is my mom doing here?" I asked. Bella looked at me then back at my mom.

"Who's the hot guy she's with?" 

"I don't know. Let’s get closer."

When we were close enough to hear what they were saying we stopped. "Have you told her about us?" The guy asked. My mom shocked her head.

"I was planning to tell her tomorrow at dinner. You guys are still coming, right?" 

"I wouldn’t miss it for the world." He grabbed my mom’s face and kissed her soft and slowly. His hands were slowly making its way down to her butt. Once they were there, he grabbed them really tight and pulled her closer. 

"Let's go back to your place." My mom said biting her lip. 

"And what are we going to do there?" He said with a smirk.

"Things like this." She touched the zipper of his pants and winked. "You're showing, by the way." They both laughed. My face looked like I just seen gay sex. 

"Let’s go then." Then they went to walk our way we hide behind the trashcan. 

Bella gagged ad shock her head while I watched them go. "Nasty much?" She said.

"Right! That was just... wrong." I looked at Bella as she looked at me. 

“Ewwww" We said at the same time.

"What do you think she's going to tell me tomorrow?" I asked.

"You’re going to a new daddy?" 

"Can you come to this dinner? Please? Pretty please?" I asked.

As we got up, we made our way to our movie. "Sure, I'll go. But I am sleepover, again." 

"Okay. Thank you." I said.

"What are friends for?" She said. 

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