Chapter 16

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~Scarlett's POV~

I was walking through the dorm corridors on the way to find Rebekah, thinking about what may Grandfather had told me before. I was to be queen of a race I didn't even know I was until about a couple of months ago. To be honest this was all scaring me. I was debating whether to tell Finn any part of my other two sides but then I decided not to. What if he rejects me? What if he hurts me? Or what is he turns the whole supernatural world against me? None of these were a risk I was willing to take. I reached Rebekah's room and knocked on the door, she opened it with a smile on her face. She was the only one in here which was good. She sat down on her bed and I followed her over to it. I didn't sit I just stood there. "I wanted to talk to you about something but before you get angry at me I was reluctant to do this." Her smile faded as I said this. "What is it?" She sighed. "Blake wante...." I was pushed away from the bed towards the door by Rebekah "No! No! No! That's what you can tell him." I turned around a pushed her to sit back down on the bed. " I know that you and him are mates. And by the way I had to find this out by the man himself and not my best friend." She looked down into her hands and starred to fiddle with them. "Just give him a chance Rebekah, not everyone in this world gets to meet their mate or be with them because of some sort of reasons" I said thinking back to how I can't tell anyone about me and Finn. "I know he bullied you when you two were little but didn't you read those books or watch those films where the boys is mean to the girl because he likes her." She gave out a short laugh, I sat down next to her and took her hands from her lap. "This is your chance to be happy, don't be stupid and let that happiness fly away. You would be stupid not to. Don't lie to yourself Rebekah about your feelings - it will only make the pain of not being with him worse." She looked up at me and smiled. "Fine, I will give him a chance but our first date will be a double date with you and Liam. I know you like him." Oh is she only knew. I smiled and wrapped her into a tight hug. I got up and went out the door; but not before telling Rebekah "You won't regret this!" She laughed and shouted back "I hope you right! See you at dinner?" I nodded and walked back to my room before hoping in  the shower.


I was sat at the table eating dinner with Rebekah and the rest of my friends, chatting about random things. I turned around and saw Blake staring and Rebekah, I turned back around to look at Rebekah but she was staring back at Blake. I smiled, my work here was done - hopefully. I put a chip in my mouth and started to say something. But that's when I felt it, the wet, sticky liquid running down my back. I let out a scream and turned towards the culprit. Rose was stood there with a smug look on her face. "Pay back bitch!" She laughed while walking away from me. Just count to ten Scarlett, just count to ten. Well that didn't work, I picked up a handful of my chips and I was about to throw it at Rose's retreating back before Liam stopped me. "Just go calm down and clean yourself up Scarlett." I dropped my food and stormed out of the dining hall towards Finn's room. Finn was lying on his bed when I barged in, he looked up and was about to laugh. "Don't you even dare! I'm having a shower and will be out soon." I grabbed a pair of spare clothes I had here and went to the bathroom, locking the door on the way. I let the warm water flow down my back and I scrubbed every inch of my body until I couldn't feel any of the liquid on me. I got dressed and walked over to the bed, jumping onto it. "What happened..?" Finn said with a sigh. "Ask Rose!" I snuggled into his side and we talked until I had to go back to my room for the night.

Sorry if there is any grammatical and spelling mistakes.
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