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This is dedicated to my good friend, TakarinMikamo. Enjoy :)

I was walking home from the last day of school when thunder clouds traveled over the sky. All of the sudden it started pouring down rain.

"Oh great!" I yelled, kicking a rock.

All of the sudden, it seemed like it stopped raining. I looked up to find a jacket over my head.

"V? V from BTS?" I wondered aloud. He chuckled and smiled.

"In the fless. What's a girl like you doing out on a night like this?"

"My car broke down. Plus, what are YOU doing out?" I asked.

"Oh you know, keeping pretty girls from getting wet." Does he think I'm pretty?

"Do you need a ride home?" He asked.

"No, I'm going to walk home in the rain." I said sarcastically.

"Ok" he said and walked of.

"Wait! I was being sarcastic!" I called after him.

Ten minutes later.

"Thank you for taking me home." I said while opening my front door.

"You know my name, but I think it's time I know yours."

"It's Y/n."

"Well, by." He said, waving.

"By." I replied. V got into his car and tried to start it. The engine wouldn't start.

"Would you like to stay here for the night? I can call a tow truck in the morning."

"Yeah, that would be great."

*In the house*

Would you like some tea and ramen?" I asked V as he sat on the couch.

"Yes please." He replied, smiling.

*after V finishes the ramen*

"I have to say, your the only girl that I've met that can cook and is pretty."
I smiled and looked down, blushing.

"Thanks. I'm going to go to bed now. feel free to watch a movie or something. The guest bedroom is down the hall to the right."

"Ok, good night." He replied.


*The next morning*

I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon.

"Morning V." I said sleepily.

"Morning! I called the tow truck, they'll be here shortly. Thank you again for letting me stay here. It really means a lot to me. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I was speechless as he said these words.

"V I..."


"Got to go. Think bout it ok?" He said, half way out the door.

I was going to say yes but I guess it's a little to late for that.

*That night*

I was on the couch when my phone ringed. I was to lazy to get up and get it, of course.

It went to voicemail and I decided to get up and listen to it.

'Hey y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight. My treat call or text me you decision.'

Did he just ask me out?

I quickly texted him my approval. Going up stairs I stumbled upon a small book with V's name on it.

I opened it slightly to see what was in it. I found different names if girls. ( I'm guessing it's of girls he likes).

At the top of the list was my name with the number one beside of it.

I gasped and closed it quickly, tossed it, and ran upstairs to get ready.

*at the restraunt*

"Im glad you made it." V said, smiling.

"I'm glad too." I replied.

I handed him the book I had found and he started blushing.

"You didn't read it did you?" He whispered.

"Psh, no. Yes. Maybe. Just a little."

"How much is a little?" he said, this time louder.

"Just enough to know I'm at the top of your list!" I smiled and giggled a little and V soon joined in.


That. Was. CLOSE.

She almost found out my secret! After dinner, I walked her home.

"You never told me, do you or do you not want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" I smiled and hugged her. When we got to her door way, I said 'night' and walked of, thinking about how she never knew that I was her guardian angel.


-cakegomeow 😸🎂

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