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"You still haven't told V have you?" My best friend, y/f/n asks me. I am at her house. V and Rap Monster are hanging out so I came over here. "No." I shy away. "Y/N, it's been a 8 months. You need to tell him about your and Suga's relationship." She says. I groan and lay back on her bed. "If you don't I will. You are hurting Suga. He wants to tell his best friend and your brother." Y/f/n demands. "Why would you do that to me? I know that the second V finds out, he will hate me and make us break up. Y/f/n i don't know if you would be a real friend if you did that to me." I say sitting up. "Y/N, I'm sorry but I think it's the best for V and Suga." she says. "Well I think it's best if we aren't friends anymore." I say. "Fine." she mumbles. I stand up, grab my bag, coat, and keys. I run out of their house and get into my car.

I drive to Suga's house and let myself in because I have a key. I set my stuff down on the chair in the living room and walk up the stairs into Suga's room. I see him laying on the bed watching T.V. "Hi babe." he smiles. "Hi." I sigh, giving him a kiss and laying down next to him. "What's wrong?" he asks, turning off the T.V. " y/F/N said that if I don't tell V about us, she will." I whisper and begin to cry. "Babe, don't cry. Why don't we tell him about it ourselves. I really want to." he says holding me in his arms. I look into his eyes. I guess he really does want to. "Okay." I whisper.

"Wake up beautiful." Suga smiles. We must've fell asleep talking last night. I open my eyes and see my cupcake staring at me. I kiss him and he pulls my arms up to help me get up. I stand up and wrap my arms around his waist and he wraps his arms around my neck. "Today?" he asks. "Today." I sigh, knowing exactly what he is talking about.

We are walking hand and hand up to V's and y/f/n's house. We asked v if we could talk to him and he invited us over. "Let me clear things up with Y/f/n first." I say. He nods his head. Y/f/n opens the door and she sees us. "can we talk?" I ask. "Yeah, come on." she says. Y/f/n and I walk up the stairs. "Listen, you were right! We came over here to tell V. Please forgive me." I plead. "Of course I forgive you!" she says and hugs me. I hug her too.

We both walk downstairs and I sit next to Suga. V and Y/f/n sit across from us. "V, we need to tell you something." Suga starts. "What's up guys?" V asks. "V, Suga and I are dating." I say. "WHAT?!" V yells and jumps up. Suga and I jump up too. "V, chill." Suga says. "NO! MY SISTER AND MY BEST FRIEND ARE DATING AND THEY HIDE IT FROM ME!" V yells. "This is why I hid it from you! I knew you would be angry! I love Suga! I yell. "How long have you been dating?!" V asks. "8 months." Suga mumbles. I elbow him in the stomach. "8 MONTHS? WHO ELSE KNEW?" he yells. "Everyone but you." I mumble. This time I earned the elbow in my stomach from Suga "EVERYONE BUT ME?" he yells. "If you are our friend, you would be happy for us." I say.

"You're right." he mumbles. "You two are my best friends. If you want to date, I'm happy for you guys. Just tell me everything, okay?" he asks. "Of course." Suga smiles. We all hug each other.


I hope you enjoyed this!

Please comment if you would like an imagine!

And please note that I did not write this, I found it on the Internet so cred to the author.

<3 cakegomeow

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