Bts as teachers

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This was requested by dreahh_
You recently moved to South Korea with your family, and you just walked into your new school, you were very nervous.
Actually, to say you were nervous was and understatement, you were terrified.
Making new friends wasn't your thing, you enjoyed being alone, just as long as you had a good book to keep you company.

You walked into the office and up to the secretary's desk. A short woman with large glasses was sitting behind the desk, reading a book.
The secretary looked up from her book and smiled

"How may I help you?" She said, laying her book down.

"My name is Y/N Y/L/N, I'm a new student."  You said , giving a fake smile.
She nodded and stood up, walking to a pile of papers beside of a copier. She pulled a file of the top of the stack and made her way back to her desk.

Opening the file, she pulled a schedule out and handed it to you.

"There's your schedule, dear, and in the corner we have your locker number paper clipped to the top right corner. Hope you have a nice time settling in." She sat down and opened her book again. Thanking her, you walked out of the office and went to find you locker.

The hallway was full of students that were either at there lockers, socializing by the water fountain, or on their way to class

Finally you, found your locker. Unloading all of the text books and notebooks from your book bag, you placed them neatly in your locker. *note, it's one of those tall lockers*

Getting the things you needed for your first class, math, you closed your locker and searched for the classroom.
After five minutes of searching, you found your classroom. A couple of students were there already. Looking at the teacher's desk, you noticed a giant teddy bear sitting behind the desk.

The bell rang as you took a seat near the back of the classroom, students filed into the classroom. A tall girl with brown hair sat in-front of you and turned around.

"I'm Angelica, are you new here?" Before I could answer, the teacher came in, looking extremely happy. He also looked extremely cute.

"Welcome everyone," He said with a huge smile.

"My name is taehyung, welcome to math1." He moved the teddy off of his seat and onto the desk and sat down.

"Since today is the first day of school, let's do nothing!" He threw his arms in the air as everyone cheered.
Almost immediately, everyone stood from there seats and ran to there friends, talking loudly. You looked confusingly at Taehyung. Standing up, you moved towards his desk.

"Excuse me, but shouldn't we start working on something math related?" You asked. He laughed and propped his feet up on his desk, almost kicking the teddy off.

"Your new here, aren't you," he asked. You nodded.

"We fo things differently at this school, we focus more on the arts than other curriculum. Just sit down and relax." He put his arms behind his head and closed his eyes.
"Ok...." you said, walking back to your seat.

Angelina was waiting for you.

"Don't worry," She said, laughing.
"Towards the end of the year he'll realize that he needs to teach us something. I never got your name"

"I'm, y/n." You said, sitting down and taking our your book, y/f/b.

"Nice to meet you." She said.

•after class•

You left the classroom and went to your locker, getting your books for ELA.

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