Jung Kook part 2

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A/N: Should I make a new cover? And plz let me now how I should improve my imagines so more people will enjoy them. Thank you!!


I woke up with a pounding headache.
Must be a hangover, I thought, trying to get up. Something was tied around my chest and legs, preventing me from standing. (I was tied to a chair)

It was pitch black so I couldn't tell where I was. Suddenly, a bright light turned on, almost blinding me.

I squinted, trying to see who turned on the light. but because of my hangover, I was to dizzy to see anything.

"Rap Monster, Sleeping beauty is finally awake!" I heard someone yell behind me.

"Who's there?" I question, my voice horse. Someone else chuckled and grabbed my hair, ya inking my head back.

A wave of fear washed over me as a knife was pressed to my neck.

"Hello, y/n, it's nice to see you again." Someone said from the corner of the room. Footsteps came closer to me and someone stopped behind my chair.

"V, Jimin, go get the boss, I'll question her." Who ever held the knife to my neck let go and walked out of the room. Im assuming it was Jimin.

"Now that their gone, we can get down to business." The mystery man said, moving in front of me.

"Namjoon is that you?" I questioned, shaking. He smirked.
"That's right, gorgeous."

I frowned. He always was a flirt.

"If this is about the money, Then you can let me go right now, I have no money of yours." He laughed and slapped me hard. Tears threatened to fall ash cheek stung with pain. I blinked them back, to show he couldn't get to me.

"Do you expect me to believe that? You owe Boss some money and he wants it NOW..." He turned around and laughed again and sighed.

"Of course there is one other way you could repay us." I eyed him suspiciously, afraid to know the answer. He continued, facing me once more and looking into my eyes.

"Boss could kill you, and everyone you love." He pulled out a gun and pointed it towards my head.

"Of course I could do the honors." From then on, all I could do was hope and pray that he didn't do the honors right there. If he pulled the trigger, then everything would be over.

"You wouldn't pull the trigger... Right?" I looked deep in his eyes. All I could see was fear and regret.

"We both know I don't want to, but if Boss wants his payment..." He stopped and pointed the gun to the door.

"He will do anything, and I mean anything. Money is like a child to him, his one true love. If anything gets in his way, he will kill. If I don't do it, hell he might even kill me. " He sobbed.

"He'll KILL ME, y/n. Don't you understand?" He started to shake an dropped the gun, then falling to the floor, crying and apologizing through each sob.

A gun shot rang and a wave of pain ran through me and Rap Monster stopped crying. At first, I thought he stopped for fear of his life but I soon realized he stopped because his life was taken from him.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I looked at his motionless body covered in blood. I looked at the doorway and saw a short, plump man pointing a gun at Rap Monster.

"Always thought he was a weak one, that Monster Kid." I frowned and stayed quiet. The man looked at me am gave a toothy smile. Which was more of a toothless smile since he barely had any.

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