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Emily's POV-

I'm going to surprise Jimin today on tour. The other boys don't even know that I am coming. I plan on surprising him after their concert.

Management already knows I'm coming, we've been planning it for a while now. They even were flying me to Japan, where they were touring, for free. They said that Jimin was sad since I wasn't around anymore so they would do anything to cheat him up.

And so would I. So I packed up my bags and headed to the air port.

After the plane ride, I get into a taxi and they lead me to my hotel. Once I'm there I check into my room and get settled. I play Candy Crush while I'm waiting until their concert is over. I already called Management and told them that I would be there soon, so after the concert they will let me in backstage.

After like a million hours of waiting, I got a text from Management saying the concert is about to end. I hop into a cab and ask for them to take me to their venue.

"Hey! Thanks for letting me in!" I said to management. I smile and walk to Jimin's dressing room. Their concert is already over. I open the door and see Jimin on the couch making out with A fan. "Jimin?!" I yell. "Em, what are you doing here?" he asks. "Watching my boyfriend cheat on me!" I yell leaving the room. "Emily! Wait!" he yells. "Why are you kissing HER if you are dating me?!" I yell. "She kissed me!" He yells. I scoff and walk away.

I storm away and decide to see the other boys. "Wait! Emily!" I hear an Jimin yell down the hall. I turn around. "Em, that girl kissed ME! Why wont you believe me? I would never lie to you." he says. "Really?Do you think I'm going to believe that?" I ask. "I would never lie to you." he repeats, tears streaming down his face. I frown at him. "Sorry, Jimin. Were over." I say walking away from him. "Good bye." I whisper. He breaks down and starts to run after me.

"Emily, please! I love you!" I shake my head and call a cab.

"Good bye" I say again as I get in the cab. We drove away and I look back at Jimin who is standing in the street, crying. He starts to disappear as we get farther away.

Regret suddenly rushes over me.


I hope you liked this!

Comment if you would like an imagine!

~Cakegomeow. ❤

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