When they find out you're pregnant

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This was requested by user29696752 

y/f/b- your favorite boy, i didn't right this imagine for one specific boy.


 You waited in the living room of your and y/f/b's apartment, waiting for him to come home. This morning you woke up feeling sick, so you went to the doctor. He had told you that you were pregnant and that you were going to have twins. 

Of course, you were excited, but were doubtful of how y/f/b would feel. 

"y/n, i'm home!" you heard y/f/b open and close the door. He walked into the kitchen, grabbed a soda and sat beside you on the couch. He pulled you closed to him and kissed your head. 

"What did you do today?" He asked, turning the TV on. 

"Well, i went to the doctor you said, looking at him." 

He turned and looked at you with a worried expression. 

"Are you ok? Are you sick?" He asked, grabbing your hands. 

"Um, no, but there is something i need to tell you." You said, looking him in his eyes. He nodded slowly, wanting you to continue. Your heart raced and you took a deep breath. 

"Babe, we're going to be parents." You said, smiling. He looked at you with a shocked expression. At first, you thought he was going to get up and leave, but then he engulfed you in a big hug. 

"I'm going to be a dad! This is wonderful!" He jumped up and danced around the living room. You smiled and joined him. Kissing your head, he pulled you in for another hug. 

"And you're going to be a mom, the best mom ever." 

"Wait till the boys find out!" He yelled, getting his phone to call them over. When you two told them, they were so excited, after all they were going to be uncles. 

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