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*I was told I needed to write a longer story's so, this is one of two long stories that I'm going to write.* ^-^

I woke up and flipped over and my boyfriend, Mark, was gone. I understand that he's busy with Got7 in all but, he said he didn't have to go on tour or anything today!

I'm starting to get suspicious. He had left yesterday morning and came back 5 hours later.

I got up and got dressed. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. I saw Jin sitting at the kitchen table.

"Jin, what are doing here?' I asked my worried friend. He looked up at me, concern on his face.

"It's about Mark." He finally said.

"What about him? His he hurt? Does he have cancer or something?" I asked and he chuckled.

"No, nothing that drastic. J hope took this picture." He held up his phone with a picture of Mark holding hands with a beautiful girl.

"He's... cheating on me?" I asked, tears coming to my eyes.

"Yeah... sorry." Jin looked like he was going to say something when Mark came through the door.

He was smiling until he saw Jin.

He walked into the kitchen and kissed me on the cheek, not taking his eyes off of Jin.

"Hey babe. What's HE doing here?" he asked, anger rolling over his face.

I glared at him. "Get out." I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"GET. OUT!" I yelled.

He quickly ran out.

"Have fun with your girlfriend!" I called after him. I burst into tears. I didn't want Jin to see me cry so I tried wiping away my tears.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. How about we go somewhere to take your mind of of things. " He said with a small smile. I nodded and he grabbed his car keys.

I locked the door as Jin started the car. I got in his car and a gush of cold air blowed in my face. I quickly rapped my arms around my self, shivering.

"Ji...Jin? It's cold in here!"I said with my teeth chattering.

"Oh yeah sorry, the heater has been broken for a while now, here." he handed me a fuzzy blanket with hearts on it.

"Thank you." I smiled as he pulled out of my drive way.

*at the park*

"Ooh it's so pretty out here." I said as Jin opened the door for me.

*Jin's POV*

Not as pretty as you. I thought.

I grabbed Kim's hand and dragged her to the swings.

"Get on and I'll push you!" I said.

"Ok... but don't let me go too high..." I pushed her high, causing her to almost flip over the rail.

"Aaahhh." she screamed as she fell out of the seat, still in mid air.

I quickly caught her in my arms.

"Jin, are you. Trying to kill me?!"

*Kim's POV *

I healed onto Jin tightly.

"How about we try the slide?" I asked he nodded and put me down.

We made our way to the huge slide that was going down the hill. As we hiked up to the top, we ran into to kids coming down.

"Are you two a couple?" the little girl asked, looking up at me with adorable eyes. I gasped and looked at what appeared to look like her older brother as he nodded.

"Pshh..." I was cut off my Jin.

"Yes, yes we are." he quickly grabbed my hand as the siblings ran down.

"Aah, what was that for?" I asked, glaring at him. He chuckled and shook his head.

We made it up to the too and Jin motions for me to first. I sat down and felt a slight push on my back and turned to see Jin with his hand out. I started to slide and quickly grabbed his hand.

"Please come down with me." I said with puppy dog eyes. He nodded and sat down behind me.

"One...two...three...GO!" I yelled as we slid down the bumpy slide.

When we got to the bottom, I beamed with joy. That was the first time I ever felt like a kid again.

"How about ice cream?' my thoughts were interrupted by Jin's suggestion. I quickly nodded as we ran back to his car and drove to Dairy Queen.

"Kim, about those little kids, do think we look like a couple when we are with each other?"

I shrugged as we pulled into the Dairy Queen driveway.

"Should we go in?" he asked looking at me. I shook my head.

"I'm tired, I think we should take it too my place or somthin."

*at the house*

"Thanks Jin, this was really fun!' I said smiling.

"Agreed. We should do this more often."

We said our good nights and I sighed.

I walked upstairs as my phone buzzed.

Jin- u wake?

Me- well duh, you just dropped me off. plus who goes to bed at 7?

Jin-sorry, I just wanted to ask you a question.


Jin- do... do you like me?

Me- what makes you ask that?

Jin- cause I like you, a lot.

Me-wow Jin, I love you too.

Jin- can we go to dinner tomorrow night?


Finally he asked me out.

*hope there date goes well. Also hope u like! longest story I've EVER wrote! 871 words! Wooo hoooo! please star, vote, follow and request!

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