Rap monster Part 1

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You looked out the window as your boyfriend, rap monster, drove away with the rest of BTS to go on tour in Japan. The two of you haven't been dating for long, just a couple of months.

Never have you thought about losing him. But once he left, you knew you two were gonna drift apart. After all, there are tons of girl fans that would love to date him.

So why stay around? Why not leave him and never EVER return.

(Y/n) POV

I sighed and walked upstairs to my room. It was so empty. Rap monster must've taken almost every thing that he owned.

When he returns, there will be nothing left. I'm leaving for good.

I packed up all of my cloths and belongings into two suitcases. When I was finished I put them by the door.

My phone started to ring. It was my friend, (y/f/n).


"Hey! Want to get some coffee? I feel like you need to talk to someone." Tears started to roll down my cheeks.

"Yeah. that's fine." I hung up, grabbed my keys and purse, and left.

I put my suit cases in the back seat of my Camaro and started the car. I looked at my house.
Sure, I would miss this place, yeah I will mis Rap monster and the boys but, I just can't stand being without him for long periods of time.

I drove towards the coffee shop. Y/f/n was already there and order is both mochas.

"What's wrong?" she asked, taking a sip of her coffee

"Since Rap monster left for Japan, I feel so lonely, and I've felt that way even if he was there with me." I looked down at my coffee and took a sip before continuing

"I think I need to break up with him and move back to America." She gasped.

"And leave Korea? y/n, please don't!" I smiled.

"Come with me, it will be fun, visit old friends, family. You never know what could be out there if you don't travel." she nodded.

"How will you tell... him?" she whispered. I picked up my phone and called Rap monster.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I sighed

"Kim Namjoon, I think it's best that we go are separate ways. Good bye." before I could hang up, he started to speak.

"But y/n! Why? is it because we don't spend enough time together? if it is, I'm sorry. But I agree. We do need to go our separate ways." Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Good bye, I love you, y/n." he hung up and I began to cry. Y/f/n sat beside me and have me hug.

"It's over, it finally over." I mumbled.

"Come on, let's go to my house then we can leave... for good."

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