Jung Kook part 1

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~This story was requested by: @mouseyloveskpop
Note, this has some mature language

Plz enjoy!


There are some things people don't want me to know. And there are some things people don't want me to see.

For example, my ex boyfriend, Rap Monster, didn't want me to watch him murder my father. And my father didn't want me to know he was in dept. MAJOR dept.

Now that he's dead, the people he owed money to are after me. They want there money back.

But it's not like I have the money. Don't get me wrong, I have money but not two million. I guess you can say my dad had a bit of a gambling problem. And a drinking problem.

But he's gone now so he can't he cant do any more damage. But now that he is gone, Kim Namjoon, the dangerous gang, Got 7, and my sister, Ashley, are after me.

I shivered as I unlocked the door that led to my house. It was dArk inside so I guessed that my current boyfriend, jungkook, wasn't home.

Another night alone.

Some nights he wasn't home so I had to protect my self from the world. He doesn't even know about my troubles. There's not a chance that I will tell him.

Sighing, I turned on a couple of lights in the living room and sat on the couch, taking out my phone.

My phone ding, indicating that I had a new text message. It was from Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon: Im coming for you! You can't get away from me...

Y/N: How many times have i have to tell you to LEAVE ME ALLONE. What I saw will not be shared with ANYONE.

Namjoon: That's what you think.

Namjoon: you can't be trusted. You have to be killed.

Y/n: oh? so your going to kill me like you killed my father?

Namjoon: shut up, I will find you one way or another.

I broke down in tears.
What will happen to me? How much time do I have left?

A sound came from upstairs. Jumping, I quickly hid behind the couch. Who ever or what ever that is upstairs is now coming downstairs.

Jungkook's POV

I woke up suddenly, getting the feeling that y/n was home. Lately, we've been so distant so I think it's best that we break up.

I love her, don't get me wrong it's just that she doesn't seem to love me.

Walking down stairs, I numbed into something, making a loud noise. Woooppsssiessss.
I noticed some lights on so I'm guessing that Y/n is home.

She can't stand being alone in the dark. It's like she thinks if shes in the dark, something is going to kill her or something.

I walked into the living room and looked around. She didn't seem to be in there so I started to walk towards the kitchen.

"Kookie?" I jumped and turned around. Y/n was standing there, shaking.

"Babe, you scared me." She sniffles and started to cry. I ran over to her and rubbed her back.

"Sshh, shh, don't cry, why are are you crying." Wiping tears from her cheeks, I looked her in the eyes.

"I..." she paused, taking a deep breath, sniffling.

"I thought you were..." she sniffed again.

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