Jung Kook

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I sat down at a park bench and plugged my head phones to my computer. My favorite song, DOPE, played and I bobbed my head to the beat.

I had to tutor someone in twenty minutes so I decided to do some studying.

Once I started up my computer, an add popped up for a BTS concert. I eagerly clicked on the link and a contest popped up.

"Win three tickets to Bangtan boys concert, March 5th." I mumbled. Some one cleared their throat and I looked up.

"Y/N? You're supposed to be tutoring me." He had sunglasses on and a slight smile.

"I'm Jung kook" I held out his and my jaw dropped.

"But but, how?" Jung Kook chuckled and sat down beside me.

Jung Kook POV

"But but, how?" I chuckled and sat down beside of Y/N.

"Yeah yeah, I know, I famous, sure," I looked into her eyes.

"But that doesn't mean I can't be tutored." I leaned back on the bench and looked at the sky.

"O-okay. Shall we begin then?" In the corner of my eye, I could see her opening up a book.

" All right, if a=5 what is (a+159)7?" My eyes widened and I stared at her.

"What?" she shook her head.

"Here's how you solve it, five plus one hundred and fifty nine equals..." she punched the numbers in her calculator.

"One hundred and sixty four." I nodded and looked at the problem.

"Times seven equals..."

"One thousand one hundred and forty eight." I quickly answered. She smiled and nodded.

"How about ice cream to celebrate?" I smiled back and nodded. we got up and got a cone.

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