Jimin Part 2

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A/N:Sorry for the late update, Im busy with school so I haven't been writing stories. I've decide to post on Sundays and write the other days so yep. And thank you for over 1K reads! I honestly thought I would get like 30. So thankyou and I hope you enjoy the story! ❤Cakegomeow
2 years after the breakup

Emily POV

I walk into Starbucks and order my usual, a Grande Java Chip latte. I pay and wait for it to be ready. "Emily." I hear a worker say. I walk up and take the coffee. I go to walk out, but I accidently run into someone. "I'm sorry, love." he says. I look up at him and frown.

It was the one person I thought I'd never see again, someone who I wanted to apologize to but at the same time slap.

"Hello, Emily," Jimin said, looking down at his feet.

"How have you been." he asked glancing up at me. I stared at him for a moment, deciding if I should take pity on him or if I should just walk out on him like I did two years ago.

"Fine, you?" He smiled and looked in my eyes.

"Ok, but I missed talking to you." I nodded and started to walk off. He grabbed my wrist a brought me close to him.

When we looked into each others eyes, sparks flew everywhere. But how could I love someone who would do such a harsh thing to me?

"I love you, Em, and I hope you can forgive me for my actions two years ago. Please, say that you love me too." Tears filled my eyes. Half of me said, 'of course I love you!' and the other half says, 'you had your chance, and you blew it.'

"Of course I love you, I'm sorry too. Just don't do anything like that again. Ok?" he nodded and smiling, embracing me in a hug.

"I'm gonna have to make a deal with management to keep an eye on you." I playfully winked at him and we laughed, leaving Starbucks and starting a new relationship.


Sooo that's part two!! I hope you enjoyed :) please vote, comment, and request!!


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