Over protective brothers

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This one was requested by angelinaanime2

It was Friday and I was at a coffee shop with my friend, Joy (from red velvet). She was telling me something when I heard the door open. I looked up to see the cutest guy ever walk in. Sitting up strait, I nudged Joy and nodded towards the boy. She immediately shut up and looked at him.

"He's cute," She said, nodding.
"Go talk to him."

I shook my head

"No, I don't think so. I don't I should talk to him." I looked at my coffee cup and frowned.

"Well, to bad, cause he's coming over here."
I looked up. The boy was coming straight towards us.

"Hi, I'm Adam." He said, sitting in the seat beside of me. He held out his and and I took it, smiling.

"I'm y/n." 

"Nice to meet you," he looked into my eyes and smiled. Just saying, he had a killer smile.

"I'm joy, not that anyone cares." Joy said, laughing.

Adam looked at her and shrugged.

"Just wondering, y/n, do you want to meet for lunch tomorrow?" He said, rubbing his neck.

"Umm..." I just stared at him until Joy cleared her throat.

" she would love to."

Adam smiled and stood up, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket. He handed it to me and left the coffee shop.

I unfolded the piece of paper. On it had his phone number

"Oooohh, he gave you his numberr." She said in a singsong voice.

I playfully hit her shoulder and laughed.

•next day•

I was super excited about my date. I texted Adam to meet me in the park at 11:30.
I put on this outfit:

 I put on this outfit:

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I was ready to go. The only problem was, by brothers were downstairs. And well, they're a little over protective. I barely got to go out because of them if I did go out, they would always come with me.

Grabbing my purse, I walked out of my room and crept downstairs. My brothers were on the couch, watching TV.
V was asleep on the floor.

I quietly walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook said behind me. I slowly turned around and shrugged.


"Where?" Rap mon said, standing up.

"To the park." I said, opening the door.

"With who?" Suga asked.

"A friend." 

V woke up and looked at me.

"What's going on?"
Jin stood up and closed the door.

"You're going out with a guy, aren't you?" He laughed and went back to the couch

"Yeah... and I'm supposed to meet him in ten minutes so..." I opens the door again.
"I better be going."

"Not with out us!" V said, running after me. The boys all nodded in agreement and followed after me.

I sighed and gave in. The only way I can go is if they go with me.

We arrived at the park and I saw Adam sitting on a bench, looking out at the lake.

"Hey Adam, sorry I'm late, my brothers held me up." I said, death glaring my brothers. They didn't notice though, because they were planning Adams death.

" are they coming with us?" He asked, not taking his eyes of of Rap mon who was cracking his knuckles.

"Yeah, sorry," I linked my arms with his

"They're overprotective." I whispered to him.

Adam took me to a little cafe.

My brothers sat at a nearby table and watched us.

I tried to make conversation with Adam but he was to busy watching his back. Apparently he was worried that my brothers were actually going to hurt him if he tried to talk to me.

The waitress came to our table and took our order. Minutes later our food arrived. I immediately began eating but Adam just stared at his food

"Are you ok?" I asked, putting my hand on his arm.
"The waitress stopped by their table before she came over here," he nodded towards my brothers.
"They might've put something in my food."

I laughed and shook my head. My brothers looked over towards us. Jimin coughed very loudly and gave Adam a look.

We finished our food,stood up, and walked out of the cafe, my brothers, following behind us.

Adam walked me to my house and smiled.

"This was fun," he said as I unlocked the door.

"Yep." I said, smiling.

"Well, maybe I'll see you again some time?" He said, avoiding the look that my brothers gave him.

"don't count on it." J Hope said, pushing me inside the house.

"Really?" I said, crashing on the couch.

" I don't like that guy, he's scares to easily." V said, sitting beside me.

"Unbelievable." I shook my head and closed my eyes.

"Will you guys ever let me go on a date, with a guy, alone, ever?"

Rap mon laughed.
" maybe."

I opened my eyes and sighed.
"One day, you'll find a guy that we'll like." V said, patting my shoulder.

" and we won't kill him, maybe."

" wow, thanks." I laughed and went upstairs.

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