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I sat at a desk in my classroom and opened my book only to have it closed my Mackenzie, the school Bi***.
"Loser, don't you know? This is my desk. So, get up or give me the book."
I looked at her for a second and got up. Her and her friends laughed.
"Ha! Looser!" They whispered. I frowned and sat towards the front so they couldn't bother me.
The teacher, Ms.Caw, walked in.
"Morning class. We have a new student, Jhope." I looked at him and he was cute.
"Why don't you sit beside Y/N?" She pointed to me and he walked over to me.
"Hi," I said, smiling.
"My name is Y/N. Yours?" He ignored me as he sat down.
"Let's not talk right now K?" I nodded and looked away.
"Aish" I whispered as the teacher continued the lesson.

Narrator POV

Jimin was admiring Y/N from across the room. She barely smiled yet her face was so...beautiful. Jhope was treating her poorly. If that was him, he would be telling her jokes and making her smile.
That smile, the once in a life time smile. Just like the once in a life time chance to ask her out. Sooner or later, she would be taken and she wouldn't be his.

"Class dismissed." The teacher said as the bell ringed. Y/N hurried out of the classroom and to her locker.
Jimin walked up beside her and smiled.
"Y/N, will you be mine?" he asked. She looked at him and smiled, that one smile that made him tingly. That one smile that made him live.
"Yes." she finally said and they hugged, walking to lunch.

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