Chapter 18.

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A/N : I hope you read the last authors note before this(: Anywho, I hope you like this chapter.. It may be longer, It may be shorter, You don't know until you read;) . Love you cupcakes! Stay beautiful. !xx-S

Terras POV: We had about an hour left on this plane. I couldn't wait for us to get there. I had mixed emotions. My stomach turned all kinds of ways. It was Nervousness, Excitement, and a hint of scared .. Not just for myself, but for the boys too. How are the fans going to react to me? How are the fans going to react to them coming back? Will they still be fans? Will everything go okay?..

"Hey Terra" Harry said snapping me out my thoughts. The rest of the boys were all around me. Louis to my right, Harry to my left - Niall, Liam, and Zayn in front of us. "Yeah Curly?" I said. Louis grabbed my hand quickly. and stared at Harry. "Remember when we were dating - " and he got closer to my ear and whispered the rest, Because He didn't know How Louis would react. "We were dating, and Uhm .... You thought you were pregnant... Hows everything now?..." "WHAT" Louis shot up and damn near ripped my arm off.


"Harry" I croacked. "Yes Baby?" .. I kept having morning sickness' and My period was late. I was a bit worried. "I think...- I think I may possibly be pregnant".. I mumbled the last word. "Wh- Pregnant...?" "Yeah.. I mean, we had sex over a month ago.. and My period is late this month and I'm sick".. Just then saw Harry go pale.. "I- Should we get a pregnancy test" .. "I don't know.. I Don't think we should right now.. We may later'".. I said. Getting up and brushing my teeth.

~*~*~*~*~~FlashBackOver, Present Time~*~*~*~

"Fucking Hell" I mumbled under my breath. "Pregnant?!?" Louis said through his teeth. "Louis, maybe we should calmly talk about this in another area, where they aren't.." I whispered. "No, I don't want to fucking talk about it 'Calmly' I want to fucking know right now, dammit!" He said hitting the table in front of us, which caused everyones attention (The boys) To come to us. I flinched, as I thought he was going to hit me. I walked to the back area, and closed the door, with louis following along . "You didn't tell me you WERE FUCKING PREGNANT!?!. I didn't know you'd be sleeping around with him." He yelled.

*Louis POV:*

She was pregnant?? I thought. "Goddamit louis! He was my boyfriend at the time! I wasn't "Sleeping around" .. " "Obviously you were, because you got yourself fucking pregnant! Slut." I mumbled the last part. "That's It. FIRST OF ALL, I THOUGHT. SEE THOUGHT. I WAS PREGNANT. I HAD A LATE PERIOD, AND I WAS SICK. I WENT TO THE FUCKING DOCTOR, AND IT WAS A STOMACH FLU. I GOT MY DAMN PERIOD THE NEXT DAY" She shouted so loud, that probably China could hear her. "Terra, I- I'm sorry" "No, apparently I'm just some 'Slut' Who sleeps around with your friends. Im so fucking through Louis." She shoved by me harshly.

*TERRAS POV* (A/N)- Sorry I keep switching POVS /:

I'm beyond pissed. How could he just do that!? Yeah , I didn't tell him. But me and him were NOT dating at the time. Plus I wasn't even PREGNANT . I quickly closed the door behind me and slid down it with tears running down my cheeks. "Dammit" I whispered to myself. I got up and went to the boys. "I know , you all heard that.".. I said. Liam got up and hugged me tight. "He didn't mean it, Love" .. "But he still said it. .." I mumbled. "Terra, I am so sorry I brought It up.. "Harry said to me. "It's fine, It might was well had come out anyway... " Was this the end of Louis and I's relationship?

CLIFFHANGERRRRR. So, Vote/Follow/ Idk. Make love to a tree? Oh. Whale, anyway. Hope you like this chapter. Comment, what you think is going to happen. Love you cupcakes, stay beautiful!!x~S

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