Chapter 19

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Terras POV:

We soon arrived to our location and got to our hotel room. I still can't get through my mind that Me and Lou may be over. He called me a slut. . I guess you get what you deserve? Luckily The boys got 3 hotel rooms. One for Louis And Me, One for Harry and Niall, And then One For Zayn and Liam. But I don't know what we're going to do about Louis' and I's room.. Maybe I can get one of the boys to share with me instead?

I walked into my room, silently with Louis following behind me. Luckily, they had two beds in the room. So Me and him wouldn't have to share.. "Terr-" "Don't you even dare, say you're "Sorry" . You said it. That's what you did. You called me a SLUT, when you didn't even know. Don't fucking dare talk to me. " I said harshly through my teeth. He looked down. "By the way, I may be switching rooms with one of the boys, I don't know. we may sleep in different beds. Again, I don't know. " "Terra please, Listen." "No" I said coldly. I walked out of the room. With Louis sitting on a bed quietly. I don't know what I'm going to do. Part of me wants to forgive him, and the other part wants to never talk to him again.

I went and knocked On Liam's Door. "Can I come in?" "Sure, Love" Zayn said letting me in. "So, , what happened yesterday with me and Louis, are any of you okay with switching Rooms?" "Uhm,. Go ask Niall and Harry First. Don't take this the wrong way, But.. I don't think Louis would be okay .. with one of us sharing a room with you instead of him. In the end, If no one is will to switch though, and you are still majorly pissed off at him. I will switch, love" Liam said. "Thanks, I'll ask them first" So, Next I went to Harry's and Nialls Room.

I knocked and soon appeared a curly head boy. "Hey Terra" "Hey Hazza, Can I come in?" "Mhm" He said letting me in. "Hey Niall" I said, to the boy stuffing his face. "Yo" is all I got. "Whale alright then." I said laughing. "So, anyway.. I don't know If I'd like to share a room with Louis, speaking that I'm majorly still pissed off at him. Would any of you switch with him?" I said, kinda hopeful. "As much as I would say Yes. I'm saying No." Niall said. "Harry?" I asked. "Well. I have to agree with Niall. I'd love to share a room with you .. But I think you and Louis should talk. And speaking that you both are into this mess because Of me. He'll just hate me MORE." Harry said sadly. "I don't think Louis hates you". "Yeah. alright" He said. "Well, If you guys don't talk tonight, I'll just switch with him.. alright?" he finished. 'Thanks" I said a bit better.


Terra came back in a little more relaxed and said "can we talk?". This is the first time she's talked to me since earlier today. "Sure " I said with a small smile. I sat down and she looked down. "We're breaking up aren't we?" I said. With tears already in my eyes. "Actually.. No.. I just want to talk to you about what happened." "Oh. Alright." I said Happily, hoping that nothing bad happens. "Well let me start " I said. "I'm sorry for freaking out like that. I should have listened to what you said Before calling you a slut. You're not a slut. You're a beautiful girl, and I just feel horrible about what I said, I don't want to lose you. Now that I have you back."I was already crying, thinking I was gonna lose he " Please For-" Terra then smashed her lips against mine. I immediately started kissing her back. the sparks still flying everywhere. "I forgive you" she said with a smile. " you didn't know.. And I should have told you anyway." " I love you." "I love you too"

So Guysssss, How is youuuu?:D I hope you like this chapter. c: I made it a bit longer than usual. Remember to read the authors note RIGHT before this chapter, because It explains something if you want to become Nialls Girlfriend in the story. So I'm thinking.. Ship names for Louis and Terra. Touis? Lerra? anyway, Love you cupcakes! Stay beautiful!xx~S

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