Chapter 8

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"Ready? One.... Two.... Three, Now!" I said into the ear piece. Hopefully as Dad pulled off the seal so did the others, I turned to Sakura with a nod. She nodded back and we held up our fist filled with chakra then ran at giant bolder, we gave a small cry as we slammed our fist against the bolder. The bolder rumbled then broke into pieces, dust and debris fell everywhere. I covered my eyes with my arms till everything settled.

When it was over everyone cautiously moved towards the gaping hole, I felt four objects coming at us and jumped to the side, "Watch out!" I shouted. Sakura and the Granny moved to one side while Naruto and Dad came to my side, we all looked to the culprit who threw the kunai. Two Akatsuki I have never met before were in front of us, one looking like a puppet while the other was a long haired blonde sitting on..... Gaara. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth.

"Gaara..." I whimpered.

"Gaara!" Naruto shouted to the lifeless body under the blonde Akatsuki. I could feel the fox necklace burning, I reached forward but stopped when the puppet like man spoke.

"Where's the nine tailed fox and Kuro-Bara Princess?" He asked. I snapped my head towards him with a deathly glare, I stayed silent.

Naruto growled with anger, "Get off of Gaara!" He snapped angry that the man was disrespecting Gaara's body by sitting on it. The blonde one looked to the puppet man.

"Thats the nine tails, Itachi was right he is loud. Though I don't see the Princess, un" He said looking among us. If looks could kill both of them would be mutilated to the point they were unrecognizable; the blonde Akatsuki's eyes rested upon me meeting his blue eyes to mine. He stared at me for a long time before smirking.

"Ah I found her, I'm surprised she's not a cussing smartass right now but I can tell by those eyes she's a cold blooded killer." He said to his little friend ignoring Naruto's protests.

The chakra got hotter as Naruto got angrier, I tore my gaze away from the two men back to Naruto and grabbed his arm pulling him back. I looked up at him, "Naruto...." I said but he was still growling as he glared at the two Akatsuki.

I frowned, "Naruto... Look at me." I said firmly and he slowly turned to me, his eyes were red fox like slits, exactly like Kura. I hesitated before I spoke, it's been a long time since I saw those eyes, exactly a year.

"Naruto, you need to calm down...." I stated calmly but sternly. Naruto glanced at Gaara again, grinding his teeth, "but how can I when Gaara's.... When he's-" he started but I stopped him by bringing his gaze back to mine.

I gave him a pained smile, "Yes I know, I'm angry too. We can get back at them for what they did to Gaara and Shuka, but if you and Kura loose control everything will go to shit and we'll loose both of them forever. Now calm down." I said as I stared into those red eyes. Slowly but surely he changed back to normal, his eyes fading to the sky blue I always loved.

"My what cute love birds, too bad he'll die like your friend here when we take the nine tails." The blonde one said, I snapped my head back to him in a glare grabbing Naruto's hand.

"Shut the fuck up you blonde freak and go cut your hair, I'm starting to wonder if you actually have a twat." I insulted.

He glared at me a grabbed his long ponytail, "I'm not a girl you little brat, I'll show you~" he started to rant childishly when his friend stopped him.

"Deidara, focus on the mission." He said while staring at Naruto and I. I smirked when the man he called, Deidara, puffed out his cheeks in anger and stuck his hand in his pocket. He pulled out something and held it into his hand, when he opened his hand it was a small bird that grew much larger. The bird grabbed Gaara's body swallowing him when Deidara got off, then Deidara got on top the bird flying out of the cave.

The Black Fox Princess 2016-2017 (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now